P i l o t

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Marissa June took a bite into her PB&J sandwich while Cory got up from the table and approached the vending machine on the other side of the cafeteria. He turned around and was faced with their teacher; Mr. Fenny.

From what Marissa could see, Cory and Mr. Feeny continued to talk for a moment before Cory slowly started making his way back to the table where his friends sat.

"He's a teacher, man," Shawn stated simply when Cory sat beside him. "Keep raggin'" on him, he's gonna make your whole sixth-grade year miserable."

"I'm gonna be miserable anyhow. At least this way, I'm taking him with me." Cory said shrugging in response.

Marissa couldn't help but smirk before her attention focused on Mr. Feeny, who was talking to an elderly woman that they didn't know.

"Hey, who's that?" She wondered.

Shawn, Cory, and Nicholas all turned in their seats to face Mr Feeny and the mystery woman.

"I think she's new," Nicholas said.

"She must be new, she's talking to Feeny." Shawn joked.

"Okay... So how late did you stay up last night?" Nicholas asked Cory.

"Monologue," Cory said with a smirk.

"Monologue, first guest," Nicholas added proudly, trying to beat Cory.

"Monologue, first guest, bad sketch," Shawn says

Corey huffed. "Monologue, first guest, bad sketch, funny zoo animals."

"Monologue, first guest, bad sketch, funny zoo animals... Steve Lawrence." Nicholas announced.

Shawn, Cory, and Marissa gasped in shock.


"Steve Lawrence!" Shawn exclaimed.

"What about you Mars?" Corey asks

"You know my dad cor, I can't watch TV past 5:30," Marissa says slightly annoyed. Shawn pats her shoulders mockingly.

Then the bell rang throughout the entire school. Shawn, Marissa, Cory, and Nicholas sighed heavily before they stood up from the cafeteria lunch table.

Marissa frowned. "And there's the bell."

"Four hours till lunch," Cory said.

Marissa grabbed her books off the table before the four began heading off to class.

"It's going to be a long day."

.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.

"She's dead Mr. Bornihay," Explained Mr. Feeny as he gestured to the girl lying on top of his desk. "Pick up the knife and kill yourself."

"C'mon Mr. Feeny, you and I both know she's not really dead. May I please stab her a few times just to make sure?" Nicolas asked him, but as soon as he finished his sentence, Vanessa shot up from the desk, glaring at him.

"Hey - you touch me with that knife, you better kill me the first time."

Nicolas's eyes widened as he squeaked, "Mr. Feeny,"

Marissa watched the action up front in amusement while her two friends did not pay attention. "Cory," Shawn whispered while Mr. Feeny was busy with the reenactment of Romeo and Juliet "What's the score?"

Marissa, who was seated beside Shawn, was doodling in her notebook, rolling her eyes as Cory pressed his palm closer to the earbud he'd been secretly listening to.

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