fall, fell

6 0 0

I feel like I'm becoming depressed. I don't know. Ever since I saw Dipper last time in the Forest, it just hurt that he couldn't reunite with me for too long. It hurt knowing that he'd die if he joined our side.

It affected me in many ways. I wish I never had known of this.
It hurts.
Dipper was forced on the bad side. But he doesn't want it. I know he doesn't.

I grab my phone to text my friend Candy.

Hey Candy

Hey Mabel. What's up?

I found him

Wait what? Who? Are you ok?


Dipper?! No way.
I'm coming over right now.

That's the thing.


He can't be near us anymore--not
even me.


Bill turned him into a creature
and forced him on the bad side.
Ofcourse, Dipper doesn't like it but
he'll be killed if he tries to escape.

That's terrible! Is he okay?

I don't know.

I'm so sorry Mabel.

I tear up as I read my own texts over and over again. I try to deny myself over and over about what happened.
He didn't get kidnapped.
He's just on vacation.
A very.. Very long one.
That guy wasn't Dipper.

I blast out in tears, curled into a ball.
I hear the door to my room that I'm staying in for the Summer creaking.
I turn my head and see Soos.
"Oh, hey Soos..." I sniff and blow my nose with a tissue nearby.
"What's wrong?" He walks up to me and sits beside me on my bed.
"I.." I blow my nose again.
"I miss Dipper.." I cry harder and Soos frowns harder. He hugs me tightly.
"I'm sorry Mabel. I know you do. We all do," He pats my back. "Would you like something? I can ask Mr.Pines where his hot cocoa is." He smiles warmly. It reminds me of Dipper, which makes me cry harder. Soos is a great friend.
"No thanks," I wipe my tears with another tissue, then blow my nose again. "I just need some time to think." I sigh. Soos nods and leaves the room.

I flop onto my back and stare at the ceiling and my tears stream down to my pillow. I sigh and think.
I think a lot.
More than I usually do.

Why did this have to happen?

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