ch 102(lie detector )

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master RM was so concerned about tania . he decided to take tania to harmi mama (shaman).

at  green land 

tania went to V and said " i want you to come with me"

V asked "where "

tania replied " to elf town "

V asked " what for "

tania said " don't aske me questions . just follow me "

she took V to elf town 

they saw bright .

V asked " what are you doing here "

bright replied " i came to ............ buy something . where are you going "

tania replied " to lie detector shop "

bright said " i  will come too "

V asked " lie detector ?"

they went to lie detector shop . there was an elf sitting . gorya was cleaning shop . 

gorya  saw bright and sighed

detector  saw bright and said  " he came again "

tania looked at V and said " now , I'll ask few question . if you lie , then it will be not good . so better not  lie "

V asked " what you're doing this for "

tania replied " for fun "

detector was sitting in front of them . 

tania asked " what is the interesting thing in Farland "

V said " tania "

detector " hmmm  "

tania asked " who is the most beautiful girl in Farland "

V said " tania "

detector " hmmm "

tania asked " who is beautiful after tania "

V said " nobody "

detector " hmmm"

tania sighed and asked " to whom you love the most "

V said " tania "

detector " hmmm "

tania asked " before tania "

V said while looking into tania's eyes " tania is the only one in my entire life . no one before , no one after "

gorya smiled  " ohoooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

tania's face was full red . she went from there . V followed her.

gorya said " no wonder , their love is really  true "

bright said while rolling his eyes " i can also love that . try me . my answer will always be gorya "

gorya asked " who is the most beautiful girl "

bright said confidently " gorya "

detector " lie "

bright was shocked 

gorya came near bright and asked " who is the most beautiful girl "

bright said while hesitating " gorya "

detector " lie "

brighed said slowly " tania "

detector " lie "

gorya laughed and asked " who is the most beautiful girl in your opinion"

bright took a long breath and tried " love " 

detector " hmmm"

gorya looked at bright with angry face . 

bright shouted " ask me other question . ask me whom i like "

gorya left from there .

bright asked detector to ask this question 

detector asked " who is the person you like "

bright closed his eyes and replied " gorya "

detector " lie "

bright lost his mind . he went from there with disappointment .

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