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March 1, 2022Chicago, IL📍

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March 1, 2022
Chicago, IL📍

"I know you fucking lying!" Kaliyah, Kelsey's cousin, scrunched her face up. Kelsey was now on the phone with her cousin telling her about her run in with Durk.

"Nope, It was him. My entire mood changed when I seen him I always thought I would react in a much crazier way whenever I ran into him again but I was so angry I couldn't even say much" Kelsey shook her head letting the moment he walked into the house replay in her head.

"It's because it was unexpected. So is he living in Atlanta or?" Her cousin was very invested in knowing how the future between the two would work. Mainly because Kaliyah and her mom, Aunt Monique were the two people, besides Qua to really be there for Kelsey when her mother put her out.

"He said he has a house here and another one in Atlanta to work on his music or something like that" Kelsey shrugged as if she could see her from the other side of the phone "I'm about to go in the house though, so I'll call you later are we still on for next week?"

"Of Course but you're coming over for Sunday dinner tomorrow right?"

Kelsey smacked her lips "Now when have I ever missed Sunday dinner? You know I'll be the first one there" she laughed and cut the engine before getting herself and Melody of the car as they said their goodbyes.

Once they were in her apartment she placed her keys on the counter and kicked off her shoes before taking off Melody's jacket.As she was becoming more busier and booked with clients she was now used to her phone always ringing and dm's coming in so she took this time to let the voicemails from earlier today to play in the one airpod she had in. The first voicemail was from a scam number and the second one was from another scam calling about her car's warranty expiring. Once she got to the third voicemail she stopped her movements to make sure she was hearing clearly.

"Hello Ms.Jones this is Debra, from the First Education child center. We were reaching out to you with great news that we finally have a spot open for your child you've placed on the waitlist. We are happy to do a walk through tour with you and a sit in for a day before making a decision. However we must let you know that we value quick decisions as our wait list is long and we are determined to fill in any spots. Please call us back at your earliest convenience"

Kelsey went to her calendar and made sure to put a reminder in for Monday morning as the first thing to do. This was something she really wanted for her daughter. The other daycare's in their neighborhood were either run down, super small or not great when it came to the level of education they were teaching. She learned about this place through Kaliyah, since her kids went there the only difference was that Kaliyah's husband made six-figures so it was easy for them to afford it. Kelsey on the other hand was just now really getting her finances together and she refused to ask anyone for help so she knew this would be a problem.

𝘓𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘨𝘰| 𝘓𝘪𝘭 𝘋𝘶𝘳𝘬Where stories live. Discover now