Shuichi x Reader

145 2 4

A/n: This is my first requested one shot by:  

Thank you so much for the request!! hopefully this met your expectations :)  

Also fun fact, I woke up at like 2:50 am because I went to bed at 5 pm guess playing nap roulette didn't work in my favor, on the bright side I made treasurer on my student council so win for me ig??! 

Something was off about your hometown of Kurouzu-cho, the sirens that would sound off, the occasional whirlwinds that would hit you as you were walking to and from school, and the townspeople's odd obsession with spirals, you brushed it off as just them liking spirals but you soon realized that this wasn't normal, this wasn't just them liking spirals, it was an obsession.

Everything made sense now but you couldn't find a single person who felt the same way, the same feeling of unease towards this town, the same feeling that something was wrong and that this wasn't a normal town. That was until you bumped into a mysterious boy. You didn't recognize him, you hadn't seen him in town before, he had slightly unkempt hair and glasses, he looked normal but it seemed like he had this deep-seeded fear in his stare.

As the days went by you got to know him more, you would run into him more often which gave you the opportunity to talk, you figured out that he went to school in the next town, unlike every other citizen of Kurouzu-cho, it was odd but maybe he had reasons that you didn't know about yet. He was one of the few who left the town often, did that perhaps make him feel odd about the town that he had to go back home to every time that he would be away?

"Hey Shuichi," you asked one morning as you two were walking to the station where Shuichi would go and then you would make your way to the high school. This was a new routine and it gave you the opportunity to get to know him better.

"Um.. how do you feel about the spirals that keep on appearing in the town, I notice them all the time and how people get this almost obsession over them but I never met someone who felt the same unsease over them that I do,"

He looked at you differently than he did before, fragments of happiness and relief were scattered in his eyes but they were overshadowed by shock, had you said something that struck a nerve?

"I..I never thought that someone would feel the same way about this town that I do, I believe this town is contaminated with spirals but every time that I try to tell people about it they never listen to me,"

You two had figured out something that would intertwine you, something that you could bond over, something that you could plan around, how you would leave this town.

"I'm so glad to have found someone like you, someone who I can finally entrust with my worries, trust me, the moment we can, we're both getting out of here, before anything can happen to either of us," Shuichi said as you two stepped onto the train, you had finally transferred to the school that he had gone to which gave you the opportunity to talk to him more and be with him more.

As you sat in your room unable to sleep, it felt like something was in your mind that you couldn't get rid of, every time that you would think about what was making you not be able to sleep you would think of Shuichi, how he would look at you as you two got onto the train, how he wouldn't push you away when you would cling onto him out of fear whenever a whirlwind headed your way, the way that he would "jokingly" say that you two should get together after moving to another town after you get the chance to.

Were you developing a crush? No. No this couldn't be. You two were just friends. Just that. Just friends. Just friends? Right?

The thought crossed your mind again as Shuichi told you of he was now alone since both of his parents had died, one due to the spiral curse and one out of fear of the spiral curse, it seemed that Shiuchi had developed a bit of a fear of spirals as well due to seeing his father's lifeless body contorted into a spiral.

You held his hand and assured that he would be ok; he didn't pull away, he just allowed it, allowed you to hold his hand the entire way home as you two talked about what you would do now, both of your parents had also succumbed to the spiral curse in some way or another and the two of you now had nothing holding you back, no parents, no other people who you might not want to leave behind, just each other.

"I think the next step should be us getting out of town, packing our things, going on a train; maybe buying an apartment and living together until further notice, I could get a job to support us and you could also get a job and we both take care of the apartment or if you prefer, you could stay behind and take care of the apartment while I work, I already have an internship so that won't be much of a problem," Shuichi said to you as the wind blew across the entire town, it was the only logical option and you were all for it.

"I wouldn't mind either way, as long as it means we're out of this cursed town, just the two of us..." Your voice trailed off as you pondered what that would mean, surely this was just a platonic roommate arrangement... right?

Days felt like hours as you and Shuichi packed your things, you booked the first train out of the town and went on, a one way ticket to safety.

Days felt like hours as you two got adjusted to a new apartment, getting used to living with each other and getting to know the little things that you didn't get to know about each other just being around each other for hours.

Hours felt like days as you talked into the wee hours of the night, about how school was going, what your plans were for being adults, making pillow forts and having movie nights.

Time stopped entirely when Shuichi stood in front of you underneath the spring tree and asked you to be his, you didn't hesitate to accept, it had been just you two for the past three years and were already used to being around each other all of the time. Now you could finally show how much you loved him and give him affection without worry, just you and him, two people who escaped the spiral but still intertwined endlessly.

A/n: I'm so sorry for not putting this in the beginning a/n but in this au Kirie and Shuichi have never met, mostly for convinience but also cuz I didn't wanna break them up, I feel like the story works better this way too because then I can write a scene where they find out what happened and can be glad that they got out before everything hit the fan. Hope you guys liked the chapter :)

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