souichi x ghost!fem reader

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The wild wind howeled and screamed as you ran through the forest looking for shelter. Despite your ghostly presence, you still got cold and couldn't be out for too long before you'd freeze up into a solid statue.

You finally found a house where the lights were on, maybe there were people in there that could keep you company until daylight. Either way you decided to go in through the window, you looked through each one to see which one would be the best before you saw a boy, about your age in his room, it was dimly lit with only candle and moonlight and he appeared to be writing in a notebook.

You saw his cute smile and you were smitten, this was the room that you wanted to stay in for the night. Even despite all of the scary memorabilia around him he seemed like a sweet kid. You slowly opened the window letting in the cool breeze, you tried to be careful as you sneaked in to not drop or knock over anything before trying to shut the window as fast as possible. You were unsuccessful in your attempts to be quiet because the noise instantly made him shut his notebook and look around worried.

It was clear that he could sense you were there because every time you would move closer to him he clutched the notebook to his chest tighter, you didn't want to hurt him but at the same time he seemed to be scared of every movement you would make. That made you smile a bit because even despite all of the scary stuff around him, he was just one big scaredy cat.

You wanted to tease him a bit before asking if you could stay for the night so you leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Boo" which made him drop everything and curl into a ball yelling,

"Please don't hurt me!" over and over again which made you giggle a bit, but you couldn't convince him to let you stay in his room if he was too scared of you to think straight,

"Don't worry I won't hurt you, but can I stay for the night?" you asked meekly, your flowy white dress moving as you swayed side to side. Your face finally came into view as he looked into your eyes, you couldn't help but swoon internally.

"Fine I'll let you into my lair, but please don't hurt me I'm just a kid doing dark magic not someone who intentionally messes with spirits,"

You were stunned when you heard the words black magic, after all most kids didn't even know what that was, you were a bit scared hearing that because the only black magic practicers you knew were scary adults or bitter spirits, but you assumed that either he was lying or it was for the same reasons he had all of these scary things decorating his room.

The lovestuck part of your mind instantly went to thinking about how he could use his black magic to protect you from the other kids if he really wasn't bluffing, how he could make them curl up in pain or make them run for their life if they even think about hurting you. But you had no time to squeal or to even make a face as you walked around his room knowing that he was watching you with his full attention.

You made your way to the opposite side of the room as he turned around to start writing in his notebook again, you could hear his soft giggle as he wrote, you could also hear the noise of soft chewing but you had no idea what he could've been chewing on. You let the giggles and chewing slide until your curiosity got the best of you.

You slowly but surely floated your way on over to his side of the room and hovered over trying to see what he was doing, after some seconds you saw that he was writing a diary entry and he was chewing on...nails? Even if you were only here for the night you had to find out somehow about his habit of chewing on nails. "Maybe its to seem edgy" you thought to yourself but then he turned around to see your face and instantly shut his notebook,

"We-were you trying to see what I was writing in my diary?"

"No, I wasn't,"

"Lies you definitely were,"

You had to admit defeat, he already knew.

"Ok fine I was, I'll go back to my side of the room," You said floating back to where you were previously sitting, he went back to writing but he turned around every so often to make sure that you werent behind his back staring and every time you would give him a teasing look or a smile.

Around the 5th time that he looked and saw your smiling face you could see a blush begin to form on his face, was he begining to form a crush on you? The thought itself made your face turn red and you hid away to make sure he wouldn't see your face even though he had already turned around.

Hours passed by like minutes before your eyes started to grow heavy and the thoughts of wanting to go to sleep started to feel like fantasies you couldn't see a bed anywhere but on the floor, you didn't mind since that was what you usually had to do in the forest, at least a floor without any sticks dirt and branches would be more comfortable.

You grabbed a pillow and laid down, Souichi finally stopped writing in his notebook and was about to blow out the candles to go to bed when he noticed you asleep, he wanted to sleep right beside you but a blush came to his face as he thought about sharing a bed and maybe even cuddling. Souichi blew out the candles leaving nothing but darkness and moonlight to fill the room.

He laid down on the floor and put his pillow right next to yours and putting a blanket around him, he carefully hugged you, not wanting to be too rough or hug you too tightly, sleep came to him quick feeling you melt under his touch and move closer to him.

You two stayed like that until warm morning sunlight filled the room. Even in your dreams you knew one thing for certain; you didn't want to leave his side.

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