Coffee ☕ & Cola 🥃

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The sun is still shining brightly; it'll set very soon. The warm rays of the sun are making the afternoon warm. He was sitting on the couch beside the big window, going through a few files. The sun's rays are falling on his face, yet he's looking so unbothered. He's too focused on files to even realize my presence while I'm praising his mesmerizing beauty silently.

"I know I'm handsome, but when will you stop looking at me?"
He looked at me while saying so.

I get startled.
He giggled at that. Oh...I love that smile!

He extended his hand for me to hold and made me sit beside him.

"Got scared?"
He asked, still holding onto my hands and rubbing them with his thumbs.

"How did you know I was looking at you?"

"Because my heart is connected with yours."

"Sweet talker...",I scrunched my nose at his cheesiness.

He giggled again.
"Got something to say?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about it... Love,would you like some coffee?"
I asked while fixing his hair.

"It'll be nice to have some coffee with you while enjoying the sunset; make one for you too."

"I'm not going to have that tasteless coffee of yours. I'm bringing my own cola."
I said this while going towards the kitchen.

He chuckled.
"Okay, okay, but do you want any help?"

"No, just finish your work soon."

"As you say, your majesty."
He winked at me.

I laughed and said,
"Someday I might get diabetes because of your over-cheesiness."

Later on...
I placed the coffee mug on the side table while holding my glass. He's still looking at the file.

"Here's your coffee."

He smiled at me.
I was looking outside through the window when he called me.


"Mmm love?"

"Remember when you used to tell me about what we should get at our first meeting?"
He says while taking the coffee mug from the table.

"Yes, coffee for you and cola for me."

"But it never happened."

"Because we messed up everything on our first meeting."
We both laughed at my statement, as our first meeting was still so fresh in our minds.

"Who knew I'd be so nervous?", he grinned.

"Actually, I knew that I'd be nervous."
I said this while taking a sip from my glass.

"I can clearly remember that you couldn't even look into my eyes back then."

"Because I was so shy..."
I paused, then started. "Actually, I think it's not our fault that our first meeting got messed up. It was our fate that made it interesting."

"Yes, you got called from your workplace on your day off, and I had to shoot a sudden commercial in a cafe that happened to be your workplace."

"But eventually we met, right?"
I laughed. "I was so shocked to see you in the cafe. It was right after the moment I called you to tell that we couldn't meet today."

"Your eyes widened when you saw me, as if you were seeing a ghost."
He giggled.

"Yes, I saw a handsome ghost that day and fell in love."

"Aiii, don't lie, don't lie. You were already in love with me even before we met."

"Okay, fine.", I pretended to be angry.

He laughed, but this time I was laughing with him. We reminisced about our first meeting while having Coffee & Cola and the sun was setting slowly.

[ Author's Note: Hello,,, English isn't my first language so if you find some grammatical mistakes then please pardon me.🙂
And thanks to my dearest friend larle_dewan who always help me by pointing out my mistakes ❤️
I came here just to share my imaginations with you all.☺️
Hope you all will enjoy it🍃]

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