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@maniperez: sunny days in ldn 📍

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@maniperez: sunny days in ldn 📍

liked by niko, ohnosharky, wroetoshaw and 92,727 others...

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@dukedennis: 10/10 'fit ma'am 🫡❤️
     ^ @maniperez: thanks duke! 💋

@ohnosharky: saving this to my camera roll
     ^  @maniperez: my boy x

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instagram messages..


hey pretty girl

hey !

how you doing ma'am?

im doing good thanks!
how are you??

doing good, yo im in
london next week, u wanna
chill or sum?

oh yeah sure! aren't you
filming with us anyways???

yeah but I wanna hang
w u outside of that
you know what im sayin?

100%! looking forward to
seeing u and rest of amp!

and you, take care of
yourself ma

TO SAY THAT NORMANI was excited to film with AMP was an understatement. She was beyond looking forward to being able to finally film videos with her American friends.

She also would get a chance to get to know Duke. She found him extremely good looking, any woman with eyes would. But she somehow felt like she would be cheating on a certain someone even though they were very much not together.

Ever since their 'almost-kissing' incident a few days ago, Normani couldn't help but think that maybe he liked her back. She wasn't sure and she sure as hell didn't want to ask him.

She was currently sitting in her room about to start streaming on Twitch. She put on her black and red headphones, that wrote 'beta squad across the top.

She was going live just to catch up with her supporters, which she often did. She would usually do some q&a and then would play some games with either Sharky or Aj.

About 10 minutes into her live stream, her chat caught her eye as they spammed 'duke is here!'. This made her smile and get a bit nervous knowing he was watching the live.

"Duke is here guys?" She asked, making sure that he was. Next thing she knows she hears a donation notification from Duke Dennis, 'im here ma ;)'.

"Hi duke! You wanna go live with me? Sharky and AJ won't play games with me." She said making a sad face but then laughing as she saw a text from Duke that wrote.

'I'll be on in 5'

As she waited patiently for Duke to join her live, she spoke to her audience and did a q&a. She heard her phone ping, she guessed that it was Duke saying that he was ready so she added him to the live.

"Wassup ma." She heard through her headphones as his face appeared on her screen.

"Hey, you alright?" She asked leaning her face on her hand.

"I'm good, feeling honoured to be here with you of course ma." He said smiling showing off his grills, making her automatically smile back.

After about an hour and a half of talking and playing, the pair decided to get off and go to sleep. Normani did her skin care and went to say goodnight to the other beta squad members.

She walked into Sharky's room last as it was the furthest from hers.

"I'm going to sleep now Sharks." She said walking in and holding her arms open for him to hug her.

He got up and put his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. She felt butterflies in her stomach as he rubbed her back.

"Goodnight sweetheart." He said softly pulling away and placing a kiss to her cheek very close to her mouth.

She blushed and pulled away looking down to his lips, biting hers.

"Stop, don't do that." He said, sighing.

"What?" She asked, acting clueless, biting her lip again.

He puts his hands on her hips and starts to lean in, she tilts her head to the side, giving him more access to her lips.

Their lips slowly met, as they kissed each other.

They pulled away, "goodnight, mani." He said pecking her lips.

"Night sharks." She said smiling widely and walking out of the room.

im gonna do a duke dennis book i
think, lmk if you would read it LMAO

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