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@maniperez: vid w amp out on beta squad channel! <3

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@maniperez: vid w amp out on beta squad channel! <3

liked by chrisnxtdoor, yungfilly, ohnosharky and others

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@chrisnxtdoor: much love family ❤️
     ^ @maniperez: love ya x

@imdavisss: my favourite beta member
     ^ @maniperez: ur my fave amp member
               ^ @dukedennis: excuse me?
                         ^ @maniperez: sorry boo x

@yungfilly: always a pleasure filming with u lot ❤️
     ^ @maniperez: u my bro fr ❤️❤️

@ohnosharky: 😍
     ^ @maniperez: thank you baby x
               ^ @niko: baby? 🤨
                        ^ @soppyg; leave em they're cuties
@soppyg: ur so leng
     ^ @maniperez: leave niko for me 🫦
              ^ @soppyg: omw bbyg
                       ^ @niko: im like right here?
                                 ^ @maniperez: so?

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NORMANI was getting ready for her day, she was going out for coffee with duke in a little cafe down in london. She thought nothing flirty of it, she thought it was just innocently two friends going out for a drink.
How she was wrong, duke was starting to like the girl. Normani sort of knew this, she guessed it from his body language when he was around her. But she was dreaming about sharky all the time.

Doing her makeup, where's sharky. Getting dressed, wonder if he would like this. Eating food, he needs to try this. Filming a video, he should be here. Hanging out with the boys without him, i miss him. DREAMING,       i love him.

Normani Perez had fallen for her best friend.

As she was putting her jumper on, she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in!" She shouted, looking towards the door through her mirror as she sat back down on her vanity.

She saw sharky walking through the door, wearing the blue 'Primo' set. He always looked dreamy in his primo clothes.

"where you going to?" he asked sitting on her bed looking at her through the mirror.

dreaming, sharkyWhere stories live. Discover now