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Maybe I was holding on to what I thought you were, but when you think to hard eventually it starts to hurt, the version of you in my head I now know wasn't true
Young people fall
For the wrong people guess my one was

Lauren Spencer Smith

3years ago

I saw him make his way towards me
Everyone was silent and there curious gazes followed his every movement

He was holding a bouquet of roses, white ones, even through I would have preferred red, I was still very excited

He put them in my arms and infront of everyone, he asked me to be his girlfriend
I squealed and jumped into his arms, screaming yes a thousand times like I just got engaged

He was the captain of our basketball team, the golden boy of our school and I was the captain of the cheerleaders, the most beautiful girl in school
Perfect high-school couple

He picked me up from home everyday and drove me to school
He showered me with gifts every Monday and Friday

He met my family.
My mom adored him and called him my future husband

I would blush and hide behind him.
I always loved the idea of being called his wife and we even came up with baby names

Our relationship was never toxic
He took me out to expensive restaurants and bought me the most expensive jewelry

I always thought it was to much but he thought it wasn't enough

Our relationship was never toxic
His location was never switched off and he always texted if, he was going to be busy.

Our relationship was never toxic
He bought me clothes even if it wasn't my style, he said I looked better in what he bought

Our relationship was never toxic
He told me to straighten my hair just like mom always did
He told me who to text and who not to text

He chose my friends and told me to stay away from some. He made me stop boxing because it was to manly

He told me to stop eating fatty foods even though, he allowed me at the start. He even used to buy me chocolate because he knew how much I loved it

Our relationship wasn't toxic
I used to talk to him about everything but then he told me to talk less
I used to do whatever I want, even if it was against him but then he started telling me what to do

He said he was making me better for him and for mom. He said she wouldn't be so hard on me if I just listened to him

It's sweet right


"Hey babe" Marcus says coming into my room
I was alone and I thought we could watch a movie
"What are we watching" He smiles walking over and sitting besides me

I put on a movie, I can't remember the name
Half way through the movie he starts to touch me

I freeze. I have never been touched before and I was only 16
We dated for 6months and we only kissed

He kissed my neck and his hand started to cruise my thighs
I always knew this would happen but I didn't want it to, not now. I wasn't ready

He didn't stop, I guess he thought of it has me asking for more
He went on top of me and kissed me

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