10 || ARCADE

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[ this chapter is like 10,000, words long so enjoy 😅 ]

Having been in a serious relationship for five years, and married for two before eventually calling it quits, Dani hadn't experienced many second dates in her lifetime. First dates, sure, she'd had plenty of those but they never usually went any further than that as she had a tendency to pick the wrong guys and she usually spent the night wishing it would go faster so she could hightail it out of there before they tried anything.

But when it came to Otis, who was already shaping up to be the perfect guy, Dani was very much looking forward to their second date and in all honesty she was a little nervous too. It was a day date this time, neither of them fully able to wait until later, which is why Dani's bedroom currently looked as though it had been burgled as every single article of clothing she owned lay sprawled out all over the place because she couldn't decide on an outfit.

Time was running out as she knew Otis would be here to pick her up at any second, each tick of the clock making her more and more anxious as she still stood half naked in her apartment wearing nothing but her underwear. At least she'd done her hair and makeup already which gave her one less thing to worry about, all she needed to do now was land on an outfit before the front door knocked. If that happened then at least she'd be able to see what Otis was wearing and try to match that but she'd really rather be ready when he showed up so they could start their day date as she didn't think she could wait any longer without spontaneously combusting from excitement.

"Chucky, stop crawling all over my clothes, you're gonna get hairs on them." Dani grumbled, lifting the rather hefty cat off her bed and setting him on the floor, to which he meowed loudly in protest before falling onto his back and rolling under the bed. "That's right, crawl back into your cave you menace."

Another meow was fired back at her, making Dani chuckle to herself as she shook her head. Trust her to own a cat with a flair for the dramatic. She sighed softly, picking a few ginger hairs off the black sweater Chucky had trampled all over. It was one of her top contenders as it was, to put it simply, plain, something she thought might be a good idea as her fashion sense always was a bit out there sometimes. She ran her fingers along the sleeve, feeling the softness of the sweater beneath her skin. It could be a cute sweater when paired right but otherwise it was just... boring to be blunt and she really didn't want to come across as boring to Otis, whose life she couldn't help but think was filled with excitement.

Eventually, Dani settled on a pair of yellow and black tartan trousers, which paired nicely with one of her dads old Nirvana t-shirts that she tucked into her waist band, allowing a little of it to hang over her leather belt that sat nicely around her waist. She didn't even need a belt as the trousers fit perfectly but she liked wearing one anyway, at least that way it made the chains she attached to her pants look more at home there and less out of place.

Her old, worn out Doc Martens came next, the yellow stitching of which always matched perfectly to the shade of her pants, which easily made this outfit one of her favourites, and she couldn't help but want Otis to feel the same. She accessorised fully with rings, bracelets and the necklace she wore pretty much every day and just as slipped her arms into her black denim jacket, the front of which was covered in patches for different bands and singers, there was a loud knock at the front door of her apartment.

Swallowing down the nerves she couldn't help but feel, Dani hurried across the living room, stealing one last look at herself in the wall mounted mirror next to the door, to make sure her hair was perfect, before opening it, her heart immediately fluttering at Otis's cute smiling face that greeted her when she did.

"Hey." Dani smiled, glancing down at the ground as he always seemed to bring out her shy side, which was no surprise given how goddamn cute he was. Especially today in his pale blue shirt, the one Dani couldn't help but notice was covered in little tiny bears, something that had her heart practically melt because he looked so adorable.

One Night Stand // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek ✔️Where stories live. Discover now