11 || MOMENT

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[ This chapter contains a smut scene around the middle... It's also close to 10,000 words again so enjoy. ]

Every faint tick of the firehouse clock was like torture to Otis, his eyes glued impatiently towards it as he watched the hand count down the seconds until the end of shift. It had been a painfully slow shift, one where they'd barely left the firehouse, and when they did it wasn't even anything exciting.

In all honesty it had gotten to the point where it was beginning to drive not only Otis himself crazy, but those around him crazy too as he hadn't stopped talking about Dani since the moment he stepped foot into the building.

Talking non-stop about Dani was something everyone has grown used to since the day Otis met her, but now that the two of them were together, something he made exceptionally clear as he'd said more than once that the words 'dating a firefighter' had left Dani's very own lips, it had gotten much, much worse in terms of the capacity of which he talked about her. But, no matter how much it annoyed them, no matter how irritating Otis's voice had become that day, no one dared say anything about it because after the weeks of misery he'd suffered, Otis was finally, genuinely, happy and to them, that's all that truly mattered.

"Sounds like you've got a real good one there." Herrmann said quietly as he gestured towards Otis's locker, or more so the photos that were stuck up on the inside, the ones Otis's eyes were currently glued to like they had been most of the day.

Seriously, he'd been like a yo-yo all day going back and forth between the locker room and the common room. The guys were surprised they didn't develop whiplash over the course of the past twenty-four hours from just watching him.

"You two seem happy." Herrmann added, taking a seat on the bench as he began to untie his boots, the end of shift having thankfully graced them with its presence.

"I feel happy." Otis breathed out, his fingertips brushing lightly down the photos as his heart longed for the time to come when he could go to Dani's apartment and spend however many hours there in her company. He didn't think she meant for him to come over at the crack of dawn when his shift ended, so unfortunately for him he had a few more hours to kill before he got to see her again in person.

"I'm sensing a but here..." Herrmann said hesitantly, unsure whether he wanted to open that can of worms. But there was something about the way Otis was standing, with his shoulders tensed, his face a little tight and his mind clearly racing that had Herrmann a little worried that he wasn't as happy as he was making himself out to be. "Is everything okay?"

Otis sighed softly in response, sinking down onto the bench next to Herrmann and clasping his hands together, bringing his knuckles up to his lips and pressing them tightly together as he closed his eyes for just a second. He might not have opened them again had it not been for Herrmann's hand on his shoulder, and when his eyes met those of the man he couldn't help but see as a father figure, he soon found all his worries come pouring out of his mouth.

"The other day I... I found out that Dani used to be married." Otis confessed, Herrmann nodding his head a little in response. "She told me how it ended... Why she left him and I don't blame her for doing so... And it's not even the marriage that's bothering me, you know, it's... It's the guy."

"What about him?" Herrmann asked curiously.

"He's so different from me. Taller. More muscular. Honestly he reminded me a lot of Severide which is why I'm just having a hard time believing that this is actually real... That she actually picked me when there are tons of other guys out there that fit the type of guy she married. And I guess... I guess I'm just a little worried that once she meets all of you guys she'll come to realise that she picked the wrong firefighter."

One Night Stand // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek ✔️Where stories live. Discover now