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The steady hum of the moving train fills the compartments as students aboard the Hogwarts express expel themselves in gales of chatter amongst themselves.

Much alike them, in a compartment towards the left side of the 6th train carriage, a boy and a girl engaged in their favorite pass time as the train neared their home for the few months to come.

" You bloody arsehole !!! "

" Language !!!!"

" You little piece of lying vermin!!! "

" Much better "

Regulus Black said, smiling as he threw down the winning cards in the suitcase laid on top of his and Claire Watson's lap acting as a makeshift table. Claire huffed, throwing down her cards and placing the suitcase on the seat next to her .

" You can't seriously be mad at me about this ", Regulus said giving an exasperated sigh of defeat. 

Claire turned towards him before taking a deep breathe, " I should've won ". She said before turning towards the window, avoiding the moment that Regulus's back slacked on to the seat in defeat.

" For the sake of Merlin, Claire ", Regulus yells pointing both hands towards the sprawled deck of cards, " it's just a game of cards. Don't be so competitive "

Claire tutted at Regulus before the compartment doors slid open revealing a tall boy with shoulder length jet black hair in a gray sweater and brown pants. He scowled down at Claire not before she noticed the few other boys standing behind him.

" So, it's true then. You're gonna be at Hogwarts ", the boy said distastefully.

Claire folded her arms before leaning back on the seat, " Sirius, cut the act. No need to act all tough and mighty, is there? ", she said giving him a smile.

Sirius Black. Older brother of Regulus Black. He may have been the talk of Hogwarts but to Claire, he was just a plain and annoying bore. 

Sirius took a seat right in front of her before leaning forward, just inches away from her face. " I'm not scared of you, Watson. Do so well as to remember that fact "

Regulus watched them impatiently as the other two boys at the door shuffled uncomfortably in place as Claire sat up straight, maintaining straight eye contact with Sirius.

" Well, that can be changed. Can't it ? "

They glared at each other as Claire dropped her smile but a soft cough from one of the two standing boys made Claire look up in curiosity.

" Hello, there ", he said cheerily. He wore a orange sweater pulled up to his elbows with khaki trousers. 'He could play the playful pretty boy in movies' was Claire's first thought as she said hello back. 

" My name is Remus Lupin. And this- ", he said pointing towards the other boy , " is Peter Pettigrew "

He finishes off with a smile as Peter greets Claire and she returns the greeting. 

Claire could swear she sees Regulus roll his eyes as he watched them.

" you know, pardon my asking but i don't believe I've heard Sirius talk much about you ", Remus says giving Sirius an accusing look. " And by the looks of his greeting, he seems to know you all too well "

She smiled at Sirius before motioning Remus and Peter inside the compartment, making Regulus move the suitcase away.

" Oh yea, the Black family and I, go way back ", she looks ahead at Sirius, almost playfully, " don't we Sirius ?"

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