Mission 1.2: Pizzazz

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It had only taken Odd two and a half minutes to get to the factory, which was pretty average, all things considered. Despite this, Jeremie was in a super sour mood when the svelte boy finally arrived.

"Aelita had to transform without you. You've got less than three minutes to locate that Mothware. Get to the scanners, she needs your help." he had ordered.

Odd didn't bother trying to make a witty remark. He knew it wasn't the time. At least, not here in the factory with Jeremie.

As he stood in the scanner, he realized he had no idea where Jeremie was sending him.

"Hey Jeremie, where am I going?" he asked politely.

"To the Mountain sector. The tower you guys need to access is right at the edge of the map. Lyokobug is already on her way there." Jeremie's voice echoed from overhead.

"Transfer Odd. Scanner Odd."

Odd closed his eyes, bracing himself.


He felt a rush as his body converted itself into energy, racing through the many wires of the supercomputer, until... he felt himself stop. There was an abrupt halt as his body materialized into thin air. Then Lyoko's gravity hit him, bringing him down to the rocky ground of the Mountain Sector.

Though he had just arrived, the purple catboy found he wasn't alone, as upon landing, he was immediately hit with a laser from a nearby cheeky Kankrelat.

"Ah, the welcoming committee! I was expecting you!" Odd said as he backflipped to avoid getting hit by another round of fire, "XANAMOTH, always so considerate about making us feel at home."

Cocking his hand like a firearm, Odd aimed for the pesky insect in front of him.

"Laser Arrow!" he shouted, firing his own round of ammunition.

The Kankrelat sidestepped two shots, but wasn't quite fast enough to avoid the third. Odd watched as the poor thing spun around before promptly exploding in a heap of stray code.

"I almost feel sorry for the little guy." Odd commented, stroking his virtual hair back, "Being sent all on his lonesome to deal with Odd the Magnificent? Eh, that thing never stood a chance."

"Odd!" Jeremie's voice yelled over the intercom.

Odd nodded, starting to run toward his target.

"Yeah, yeah Einstein, I know. I'm on the clock." he sighed.

"No Odd, there's another- " Jeremie started.

As Odd ran, a Cube crawled out from behind a large rock, firing a giant ring at the unsuspecting boy from behind. Odd only had time to turn around and see the ring, inches from him, ready to devirtualize him.

...but it never got the chance.

A red and black spotted yo-yo wrapped around Odd's left arm, pulling him up and away from the incoming fire. If one were to witness the event in slow motion, they would see the ring blast, barely missing the feline's tail as he flew upward into the sky.

Up, up, up Odd went, until eventually gravity had its way again and brought him back down. Odd floundered like a fish out of water, before "gracefully" face planting onto the ground.

As Odd laid there, sprawled out onto the ground, he heard a familiar voice that made his tail stand straight up.

"I thought you told me cats always landed on their feet!" the voice cried.

Odd pulled his head out of the indent it left in the mountain rock to see Aelita, clad in red with black spots all over. She had face markings too, similar to a mask, covering the top of her bright green eyes. Her singular earring matched her yo-yo, which was still wrapped around Odd's arm. It was in this particular form that she had taken up the name Lyokobug, courtesy of Odd's incessant need to name everything he found cool.

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