Chapter 3

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The Burrow was a quiet and peaceful place during the late hours of the night. Most of its occupants were deep in slumber, the only sounds being the occasional creak of old wood and the distant hoot of an owl. But not everyone was asleep.

In the dimly lit room that Fred and George Weasley shared, the twins were huddled together, surrounded by an assortment of strange-looking objects and bubbling cauldrons. Their inventive minds were at work, concocting the latest in their line of joke products.

Fred grinned mischievously as he stirred a cauldron, adding a pinch of powdered moonstone. "I think we're onto something brilliant here, George."

George nodded, his eyes shining with excitement. "Oh, this is going to revolutionize the joke industry."

Unbeknownst to them, their late-night tinkering had already stirred someone from her sleep. 

Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, was known for her penchant for learning and her razor-sharp intellect. She couldn't resist investigating the source of the strange noises that had disrupted her slumber.

Quietly, Hermione slipped out of her room and followed the soft sounds that led her to the twins' quarters. H

er scolding words were on the tip of her tongue as she opened the door, ready to give them a piece of her mind for disrupting the tranquility of the night.

But what she saw stopped her in her tracks. The room was filled with a soft, bluish light, and the twins were frantically waving their hands over a swirling vortex of magical energy. The air seemed charged with an otherworldly force.

Before Hermione could utter a single word, there was a deafening "BAM!" that shook the room, followed by a blinding flash of light. Instinctively, Hermione raised her arm to shield her eyes.

When the light subsided, Hermione blinked and looked around in confusion. She felt a strange sensation on her wrist, as if something had bitten her. Turning her gaze to the twins, she saw expressions of shock mirrored on their faces.

Fred and George simultaneously examined their own wrists and then looked at Hermione with a mix of astonishment and concern.

"What did we just do?" George stammered.

Hermione, still trying to make sense of the situation, extended her arm for closer inspection. There, on her wrist, was a glowing, intertwined symbol that resembled the letter "H."

Fred swallowed hard as realization dawned. "Oh, Merlin. I think we accidentally created a soul bond."

A sense of unease washed over Hermione as she grasped the gravity of their predicament. "A soul bond? But how? What does this mean?"

George sighed, looking equally bewildered. "I'm not entirely sure, Hermione, but it seems our souls are now bound together in some way. We're connected on a deeper level."

As the implications of their newfound bond settled in, Hermione, Fred, and George couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected twist of fate would shape their lives and their friendships. 

Little did they know that this magical connection would lead to unforeseen adventures and challenges that would test the limits of their bond and their magical abilities.

The Bonds (Hermione x The Weasley Twins)Where stories live. Discover now