Chapter 4

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Hermione Granger's sleep was restless, filled with dreams that left her feeling disoriented and anxious. I

mages of swirling magical symbols and intertwined souls plagued her mind throughout the night. Rubbing her eyes and taking in her surroundings, Hermione realized she was in Ginny's room.

Sitting up in the cozy bed, Hermione replayed the events of the previous night in her mind. The accidental creation of a soul bond with Fred and George Weasley was unlike anything she had ever encountered in her extensive studies. It was a mystery that needed to be unraveled.

With a determined resolve, she got out of bed, dressed quickly, and made her way downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. She needed to discuss the situation with Fred and George, to come up with a plan for what to do next.

As Hermione descended the stairs, she couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. Would the twins have any answers for her, or were they as perplexed as she was?

 The thought of their magical connection lingering between them was unsettling, and she hoped they could find a way to manage it.

Upon entering the kitchen, Hermione found it bustling with activity. The Weasleys were gathered around the table, their faces illuminated by the soft morning light that streamed in through the windows. 

Mrs. Weasley was busy preparing a hearty breakfast, while Mr. Weasley was engrossed in the Daily Prophet.

Fred and George sat at the table, their demeanor unusually subdued. They glanced up as Hermione entered, offering her small smiles, but their eyes held a hint of uncertainty.

Taking a seat between the twins, Hermione cleared her throat, trying to break the tension that hung in the air. "So, um... about last night," she began tentatively.

Fred exchanged a cautious glance with George before Fred spoke. "Right, Hermione, we need to figure this out."

George nodded in agreement. "We can't pretend like nothing's happened. But we also can't let it disrupt our lives."

Hermione nodded, her determination resurfacing. "Agreed. We should research soul bonds, try to understand the implications. And perhaps we should consult a knowledgeable adult, like Professor Dumbledore."

Fred and George looked relieved that Hermione was taking charge of the situation. "That sounds like a plan," Fred said, his shoulders relaxing slightly.

Just then, Ginny joined them at the table, her expression a mix of concern and support. "We're in this together, Hermione. We'll figure it out, one step at a time."

As they began to eat their breakfast, the tension in the room eased somewhat. It was a small step toward acknowledging the extraordinary circumstance they found themselves in, and it gave Hermione hope that, together, they could navigate the uncharted territory of their unexpected soul bond.

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