Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Elena's P.O.V.

"Why would Klaus want to do that to her? What could he possibly gain from her forgetting?" Bonnie asked with caution. With a look around the room you could easily see that there was tension in the air. Almost suffocating you.

"Oh I don't know. Her trust to start with. But none of us will know what he has planned till he wants you to know. And I wouldn't sit here and wait." Katherine ladies and gentlemen, always the first to get snappy.

"What do you have planed Katherine? Because we can't have you doing something reckless." Stephan said. And of course he'd be right. We can't have her do something stupid. Not with Klaus planning something for Hunter.

"I'm planning to ask Elijah what his hybrid brother is planning with my daughter. Then me and Hunter are leaving." Katherine said in her usual duh tone.

"Well technically she isn't your daughter. First, you kidnapped her as a baby. Second, you left her when she was only five. So don't you see your not really her family." Jeremy said from beside Bonnie.

Before anyone else had a chance to say anything there was an ear piercing scream from the kitchen. Without delay we all raced to the kitchen to see Hunter looking everywhere. Her vision was unfocused. It's like she is seeing things that aren't really there.

"Hunter what is it? What do you see?" Bonnie asked in a calm manner. By doing that she was able to get Hunter to look at her and focus for a little bit. But then she lost concentration.

"It's everywhere. The blood, it's on everything. I can't make it go away. The body's just lay there. He killed them. He's killing them because she got away. She became like him. After the blood there's a fire. The men gather people, they've failed a test with a device. But the worst is. A father shoots his sons." She started to pant for air, she then started to cough like she was unable to get any air in her lungs. "The car it went over the bridge. Their drowning, the woman isn't moving. But it's starting over again. Make it stop!"

Everyone in the room was silent. She had just listed every tragic thing for the supernatural. But how could she have known all that if she wasn't even there for that time period.

"Hunter I need you to breathe. Now, are there any more images that you are seeing?" Stephen surprised us all by being the first to talk.

"Yes. At the beginning it's a wedding. The groom doesn't really love the witch, he wants the first immortal. But the witch killed her. Now there's a boat, it's headed to the new world. The natives are werewolves. A young boy was slaughtered by a half man half wolf. It was an accident. The father of the boy ran a sword through his other children. When they wake they aren't human. They are vampires. What follows is death. Everywhere." By now she was crying in hysterics. She just wanted it to stop. And that's what happened, it all ended for her when she fainted.

"What the hell just happened? What was that?" Damon turned to Katherine and Bonnie. Hopping for one of them to have the answer we're all looking for.

"I don't know. But I think we should all go pay Klaus a visit to find out." I spoke in a soothing tone. I hope.

Rebecca's P.O.V.

Walking into the sitting room Nick and Kohl both sat in a chair looking down at whatever was in their laps. As I enter the room Nick looks up at me and smirks. Looking away I see that Kohl is still looking down but also has a smirk on his face.

"Why the bloody hell would you let the Salvatore's take her?!" I scram at full volume. My brother is known for a lot of things but letting people take what belongs to him is not one if those things. So I'd like to know why Klaus had let them come into the house and just take her.

"Well dear sister I have a plan. It's the best way to get Hunter back, to get Elena, and to finally get my hands on the illusive Katharine." He is so unbelievable. Why in all of God's green earth would that Patrova bitch come here. She cares about no one but herself.

"I thought the same Becca till Nick told me his full plan. It's quit genius if you ask me." Kohl and his need to let everyone know what he thinks. Why can't he just tell me the dang plan and stop beating around the bushes. He has always had a way of making me want to just slap his stupid smirk off of his stupid face.

"Could you for once in your miserable life tell me what your plan is and stop tying to annoy me to the high heavens. Because at this point in our lives we are in my opinion too old to still be acting the way we are." I just couldn't take it anymore. If I had to listen to them talk in circles for one more minute I may have just rip their dang heads off. I would rather just go straight up to Katharine and Elena and rip out their hearts and hope that I never have to hear their names ever again. But as for Hunter, to be completely honest I haven't really thought all that much how I feel about her. She isn't really like Katherine, but she still is a tough person and doesn't wait around for others to help her with what she wants. She also isn't  like Elena, but again she has that same need to see the best in people and she is someone that others could get along with easily if they wanted to.

But at the same time she is her own person. There is something about the way that she holds herself. She just seems to understand that their is more out there that she has yet to see. I could honestly see her as someone who would be good for Nick and someone that could be an ally to our family. It wouldn't take much for anyone to see the same thing that I see. You just have to be willing to really look at her. "What are you thinking about dear sweet sister?"

"I was just thinking about how Katherine and Elena are different but at the same time the same. But when you think about how Hunter is she may share some of the same qualities as both of them, but she is also so different that it's almost weird. I just don't get why she is so much different form them. I mean yes she was raised away from the supernatural world, but so was Elena. But at the same time she was also raised with Katherine as her mother. Even if it was only for a few years." I responded.

Once the words were out there I could tell that now that somebody has finally put it out there into words for everyone to hear, I could tell that they haven't  really thought about it that way. But I don't think that Nick liked that I made that comparison. He had his back to us but you could easily see the tension in his back.

"I would like it if you never compared Hunter to either of them again." With that Klaus walked out of the room without looking back at us.

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