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POV Rengoku:So Doctor Shinobu told us that Tengen needed to be alone to be tested on and I ask his wives how do you feel the one with the bluish-blackish hair said that she is going to die if Tengen died, the black haired one said I just will pray that Tengen will be fine but he should have retired when he fought the upper ranks, and the yellowish-blackish hair said That she just hopes he's ok but miss Shinobu is good at her job so he has to be fine. but I'm sad that he loves his wives because I love him too much and I will see him(Later at night)So I came here one night to see Tengen and I brought him some stuff. So when I opened the door Tengen looked at me and smiled and said"Rengoku, what are you doing here"I told him that I brought some gifts because I know he loves them the first one I got him some shrimp tempura with a sauce he ate it up so fast that he choked then I did something that I wanted to do for a long time I fed the shrimp to him he was surprised but he ate it, the second gift was some candles he lighted some of them and smiled and asked what was the last one I gave him some alcohol and we had so many drinks that he took his clothes of and told me to get in so I took mine of and we had a great time.POV Tengen:So, when I woke up me and Rengoku were sleeping with each other I woke Him up and he was just as shocked as me we were already in bandages I didn't know that Rengoku liked me but we both were blushing so hard. We were friends not boyfriends but worst of all what should I tell my wife he did feel good then I found out how we slept with each other I showed him the alcohol and he said sorry, and left I just felt happy and sad. Sad that my wives will hate me and I think that I lost my best friend, but happy because I have a better shot at getting Rengoku but I have to work hard and be nicer so he can be my husband. The first thing I did was give him some food he said thank you but he still looked sad and embarrassed so I had to think of something else to do so I took him to the movies and gave him chetter popcorn with coke and candy his favorite but the same thing happened so my last thing is to let him give him a new katana with a fire sheet it looked super flashy once I have it too him THE SAME FUCKING THING HAPPENED, I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. But I decided to do the final thing.POV Rengoku:So Tengen and I have been doing a lot and I mean a lot of things together like the movies and restaurants also he has been giving me gifts like a katana with a fire sheet and some food and I love food!!! But, I think that Tengen doesn't think that we are friends or something but we still are I'm just still confused about what happened yesterday like why did I do that I ruined his relationship with his wives and I don't think he has told them but he just called me so I'm going to see what he needs. Tengen asked me if we are still friends, I said of course and he let out a slight smirk and told me that h with his wife to be with me and I was just In shock he loved me so much. I told Tengen that I loved him all this time and I was just sad that you had three wives and then Tengen covered my mouth and said I feel the same way about you too ever since you came into the demon slayer corps you were just too beautiful to pass up so I waited a while for the right time to tell you so I love you and when he said those words I started to cry and he said shhhhhhh, you talk too much let's do this and I knew what he meant, we were going to have some fun.POV Tengen:I grabbed Rengoku by the jacket and pulled him to me and kissed him with a lot of my tongue he love it so he took my jacket off and to his of his and his pants and I grabbed his cock and felt so thick and
Long he took off his shorts and I took off my shorts and pants too. So I flipped him over on the bed and shoved my cock I'm his ass and I heard his moans and he sounded so good and then Rengoku yelled DADDY. And then I asked him "What did you say," he said Daddy and then I told him to say it again and he delivered. Rengoku yelle DADDY, DADDY, DADDY, DADDY, DAD~He stopped because I started sucking his cock and he started moving around. Then, I just started licking his tongue and he slid his tongue in my mouth and I Flipped him over and started to cum all over him. He licked it and thought it tasted so good I think and we watched a movie while he was on top of me so I couldn't see the TV but I was fine because I saw a back view.POV Rengoku:(Two weeks later)So it is been a few weeks later since I and Tengen started dating and he has been the best boyfriend ever he called me today so I think that we're going to a restaurant today I'm pretty sure that it's the most popular Restaurant in Japan so when we got there Tengen was being the nicest person Today I wondered why so I asked him and he said I'm just being very nice it was suspicious but I didn't mind so he paid for my food and gave me some of his miso soup but then the best thing could happen Tengen got down on his knees and he got a ring out!!!! I was about to cry but he was smiling when he said the words. Will you marry me?? I didn't have to think twice as quickly as I eat food I said YES!!!!!! Everyone in the restaurant started clapping and I have never felt so many emotions at once ever in my life(One week later)It was the wedding all the Hashira were there and it was the best day In my life The preset said, Uzui Tengen do you wish to have Rengoku for the rest of your life he said yes and before the preset said anything I said yes and then we a very hard passionate kiss. All the Hashira started clapping and Tengen looked like the happiest person we had a look at the cake and it was UMAI.POV Tengen:(One year later)Me and My Huby are putting out Christmas lights and he bought flame-colored ones I have no problem with them but if someone makes fun of them they are finished for the tree I got the tallest and largest tree but mine had to be white it's the most flashy of them all and our tree looked like the best tree that has ever existed to me and my Husband that is. So we went to the Hashira Christmas and I got an axe, a new headband, flowers, candy, a hoodie, paint, brushes, and wine. My Huby got flame clips, more candy, a condom, Yen, Sunglasses, a Shrimp box, a T-shirt, and Flowers, and when we got back we put on our Santa Robes and put on some Christmas movies and ate cookies and milk to finish the day, but one thing I wanted to test out Rengoku's condom and you know what I mean about fun right Huby.POV:Rengoku:So when I and my Husband Uzui aren't fighting demons we go to a coffee shop where we always get a caramel apple pie with light cream coffee, In the middle of the day we always go to the middle of a park where we have a picnic and My Husband always feeds me the food and he sometimes lets me feed him but rarely and we go to work at our other job at an office building that was we find out about minerals and It's Tons of fun, once I found a new geo and Tengen was so happy that he took me to the beach and gave me 15,000 Yen. And the next to last thing we always do is go to Tengen's brothers' grave and pray, Tengen always says he's going to hell for killing them and this time I said something to him, I said: "If you're going to hell I'm coming with you".His eyes widened and he looked speechless but he kissed me on my forehead and I smiled and he said "Well, I don't want you to go to that place so I will try not to go there "The final thing I that we go to a cherry blossom tree and we eat a lot of food since it's my favorite place and at their we watch to sunset and that is our day mostly. The other times we do a lot of Hashira meetings and THAT is our daily routine.POV Tengen's wives: Hisamaru It has been 3 weeks since Tengen has been gone did he leave or die? Makio said that he might have died so we have to look for him and she also said that we need to stop being chickens and look for him!!!! Suma said that maybe he is trying to give us something so we should stay here Right? Makio got mad grabbed some rocks and tried to make Suma eat them. And Suma started to cry and I had to stop them from fighting AGAIN!!!! After I stopped them we started to look for him and then this happened. Suma: After Makio tried to kill me we went to go find Tengen but then we found a demon!!!!!!!!! AHH A DEMON WE NEED TO RUN I said. He charged at us but then a Snake dude from the entertainment district told us to run and told us to the nearest house he told us it was the Rengoku house. Makio:After that weird ugly snake dude told us to the Rengoku house we were running and found it we saw something people doing nasty but when we went inside we saw something gross and Horrible, I was about to cry. POV Rengoku: I and Tengen were sleeping and then Some people came into my house.But not just some random people his wives!!! They all were crying or just in shock, the one with the black hair came up and slapped him and he was just sitting there he looked so sad. I got up and slapped her to the ground. Now, Tengen was as shocked as his wives were. Then I said, "BITCH IF TOUCH HIM AGAIN YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN".Then, his wives just got up and left and I saw them crying but I didn't care if they touched my husband I will fuck them up. Tengen said that he didn't know that you were such a savage. Then he told me that since I started up for him we get to go to a restaurant and we picked me up and carried me to the restaurant I loved it and when we got there. There was a Karen and she kept yelling and yelling and Tengen seemed annoyed so as per my husband's duties I grabbed her by her hair and dragged her out. Tengen was laughing a bit and threw her out. The workers were so happy that they gave us a free meal.POV Tengen:So when I and Rengoku got home from our date, Rengoku's father, Shinjoro said hi to Rengoku he sided eyed me but I didn't think anything of it so a few minutes later Rengoku and we were making out on the floor Then Shinjoro came in and grabbed me and threw me into a wall and told me"NeVeR tOuCh MY sOn AgAiN yOu BiTcH!!!!!!And he threw his glass bottle at me and I started bleeding like crazy Rengoku ran over to me and got a washcloth and put it on my forehead he asked me if I'm okay I said yes and then he said that he hated his father and he picked me up and put me In bed and gave me some ginger tea and also this man was giving me a whole damn buffet but it was delicious and then Rengoku's brother saw me and Rengoku kissing and he asked Rengoku are you gay in front of me and I answer for him and said he's my husband. Senjiro asked Rengoku why was he not invited. Rengoku told him that Father would have gotten angry and they couldn't see each other anymore. He understand and he told Senjiro to go so I and Tengen could talk to each other, he left and Rengoku told me not to let his father get to me, and then Rengoku pulled out a gift SOME NEW J'S. I was so happy but then the mad head came in and he said: "YoU aRe A sTuPiD aSsHoLe".I didn't care because my babe told me to be calm then he STEPPED ON MY JORDANS MY NEW ONES SO I GOT UP AND TRIED TO SLAP HIM BUT RENGOKU STOPED ME. I asked him why did he stop me he told me just don't hurt his Father and He kissed me on my neck. But then the Dickhead tried to hit me but Rengoku grabbed it and told his father to not hurt me and so I and Shinjoro started to hate each other. So secretly I've trying to assassinate Shinjoro by doing everything like Genya,  Zenitsu, and a headshot but then I was a ninja I can kill him easily so HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHA😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈.POV Rengoku:So my Father and my baby have not been getting along with each other and it makes me sad because my 2 favorite people are fighting each other but today I'm watching them so me and Tengen went to my father's house and we saw Senjoro and my Father were fighting the separated them a I asked Senjoro what happened and he yelled "RENGOKU FATHER'S A DEMON).I looked at father and then he was about to bite me but Tengen saved me but he split he eye and he was bleeding a lot and I was very very scared but he told me he was fine and him and Shinjuuro started fighting.I ran to go help him but it was to late......he he  was dead......then at that moment I awoken my demon slayer mark.My father looked surprised but I didn't care about him now I charges at him with a quick attack and cut his arm of but as a demon he regenerated and we clashed and then he used his blood demon art and it was a fire tornado and it charged at me......POV Tengen:what's is......... happening....I can barley.......breath....... wait Rengoku I was hold my chest and ran over to Rengoku and blocked the tornado attack by Shinjuuro and I saw Rengoku crying I guess he thought I was dead he kissed me and he told me to stop you'll kill your self butttt if you know me I am to flashy to stop so I ignored him and me and Shinjuuro clashed Rengoku used his 3 form and I used MY MOST FLASHSYEST MOVE 4TH FORM RESOUNDING SLASHES and I cut of both of his arms of and Rengoku came above me and cut his lower half of so I could cut his head of but it would be too fast even for me I would have to move 00000.01 seconds and that's basically impossible so he regenerated and the fight had to go on Rengoku asked me why I didn't cut his head of and told him I would break the sound barrier and that would be bad so we had to continue and I used my 1st form roar and it made a huge crater in the ground I thought he was dead but I was wrong again he came up and put the sword through my chin and I fell to the Ground and Rengoku used his 9 form and almost cut his head of but he didn't do I got back up and used my MUSICAL SCORE TECHNIQUE and......POV Rengoku:Me and My father were fighting hard but then Tengen Started running and slashed my fathers eyes out and I tried to hit him with my blazing universe but then my father grew 3 more arms a 6 legs and he grabbed me out of the air and slammed me on the ground even with my demon slayer mark my father was still very very strong.Tengen came in but he stabbed him and he fell but while he was distracted he tried to punch him out he kicked me in my side and broke my ribs.I started to cough up blood and he stepped on my back but Tengen saved me again by going for his neck and he hit it but his neck was to hard and my father pushed him away and threw Tengen back into me but then Tengen awoken his mark to and he was angry I have never seen him this mad then he charged up a huge attack and I did the same he threw his bombs first and it was just a distraction and he blocked it easy and then me and Rengoku charged and a pink huw came out of our swords and the ground started to shake and a huge explosion cut of his head of and we both fell to the ground and we started laughing but we had to go check up on Senjoro and he was knocked out but still alive and we were finished.POV Tengen:So after the big battle that we had we had to rest for so long so we could recover so when we were at our house we were just watching movies and I was cooking but Ren didn't pause the movie like I said so I had to punish him if you know what I mean and he loved it.If you are wondering about Senjoro I told Shinobu to take care of him because he doesn't want to see what me and Ren be doing or the nosies.And I couldn't move that much and I lost a eye so I got Mitsuri to shop for us I pay her 7000 a weak even though she always try's to refuse I give it to her anyway .So since we are out of condition we got Shinobu's sister Kanao and the little Kamado boy and I of course picked Kanao and Ren picked the damn boy he isn't flashy at all But I let it slide because If my Huby picked them they have to be kinda strong so I told him because of that he's getting a world of pain.
😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈.WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️ MORE SMUT THEN CHAPTER 4 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

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