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the next morning i woke to my alarm ringing. i quickly turned it off and lay back down.

leah is still here. she hasn't moved from my alarm. as i sat up i felt her arms at my waist pulling me back down.

"come back here pretty girl" i heard her mumble. i was a bit shocked.

"you think i'm pretty?" i asked. i felt wide awake now. she shot up and looked at me.

"i um- i didn't- i'm sorry" she said nervously scratching the back of her neck. a thing she does when she's nervous.

"so you don't think i'm pretty?" i said sadly.

"wait- no- i do. you are pretty. very pretty. but you don't like girls. i should probably go" she said and started to get up.

"who said i didn't like girls?" i said, grabbing her wrist to stop her from leaving.

"so you do like girls?" she questioned.

"i uhm- i don't know. maybe? i've never felt like this before. i just feel so confused" i said.

it all started when i first saw leah. i knew she was pretty. absolutely stunning. i've never had feelings for a girl before so it felt strange for me. i always felt myself looking at her. admiring her beauty. i was confused because i've never been with a girl before. i've only ever dated guys, and all my relationships have turned to shit. so maybe that's the problem?

i felt myself trying to get closer to leah. maybe as a friend? maybe more? i don't know. she's so kind and caring. i get butterflies when she looks at me. i feel like i could melt under her touch.

and she's also really good with liv. that has never happened before where a guy i meet is fond of liv. whenever they find out about her they back away from me as if i'm used goods. leah seems to really care about her.

"what do you mean?" leah asked softly.

suddenly the door burst open and liv was jumping on my bed.

"hi mama and leah" she said excitedly.

"morning sweetie" i said.
"hi livvy" leah said.

"can we talk about this later" i asked. leah nodded. i picked olivia up and left the room. i took her to the bathroom to get ready and then got her dressed.

beth and viv were already downstairs so i sent liv down to them for breakfast. i went back to my room and saw leah still sat there.

"leah, i meant after training or something" i said softly.

"yeah i know. i just need to say this now because if i don't then i don't think i ever will." she said. i nodded and waited for her too talk.

"hayley, i know i've only known you for like 3 days but i'm down bad. i really like you. i know that you aren't sure yet but i'll wait for you. i want you so bad. not just you, everything that comes with. that means liv too. i love that little girl with all my heart." she said.

"wow leah. i'm really sorry. i wish i could say it back but i just don't know what i'm feeling. i need some time to think and get my head around things. i'm really glad that you like liv because she's the most important thing to me in the world. please just give me time to think and then we need to talk yeah?" i spoke. she nodded and then left the room.

i got dressed for training and then went down for breakfast. liv was eating weetabix that one of the girls had made for her.

"thanks for making her breakfast" i nodded to beth and viv.

"it's no problem" viv smiled.

i made myself food and then got liv ready to leave. it's her first day at preschool.

"i want leah to come" liv said as i put on her shoes.

"leah" i called from the hallway.
"yeah" she appeared.
"liv wants you to come drop her off" i said.

leah got ready to leave and then we got into my car and drove to the preschool. we got out and dropped her off. she hugged both of us before running off to play with the other kids.

i spoke to livs teacher and then we left.

"liv seems to really like you" i said to leah as i drove us to the training centre.
"i hope so" she said.
"she does. your a very likeable person" i said.

i pulled up and then we went inside. i put on my boots and we went out to the pitches.

we did some passing and shooting practice and then finished off with a mini match.

at the end i went and spoke to some of the fans, after a while almost all of them left. then i came across a face i definitely didn't expect.

my ex. james.

"so here's the great hayley. how you doing love?" he smiled cheekily.

"what the fuck are you doing here" i said roughly.

"ooh don't need to be so rude" he said smugly.

"i just came to see how your doing. heard all about you on sky sports. you're trending sweetheart" he said.

"don't call me that" i said.

"or what" he said. he put his hand to my face and stroked across my cheek. i shoved his hand away with my arm and he grabbed my wrist.

"you are such an ungrateful bitch. all the things i did for you and now look how your treating me" he gritted.

"james let go" i said. instead he tightened his grip.

"oi you heard her now fuck off" a voice said. it was leah.

"who the fuck are you" he laughed.

"i don't think you want to know. now let go of her or you and i are going to have problems" she said sternly.

"ooh i'm so scared. hayley you need your little girlfriend to protect you" james mocked.

leah lunged towards him and connected her fist with his face. he let go of me and leah grabbed me, pulling me backwards from my waist.

she called security to remove james and then led me inside while tears fell from my face.

she sat me down in an empty room and faced me.

"hayley, you want to tell me what the fuck just happened" leah said.

"it's a long story. if i tell you this i have to tell you everything and that's going to take ages." i said while wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"okay let's go home" she said softly. she led me to the changing room and we got our stuff.

"can you drive" i asked leah, giving her the keys.

she drove us home and then i went and showered. i got into some comfortable clothes and sat on the sofa.

"i've got to get liv. i'll send her out with beth and viv and then we can talk" i said. leah nodded and the. i left to go get liv.

i picked her up and brought her home.

"can you girls take liv out to the park or something" i asked beth and viv.

"yeah of course" beth said. she took liv and then i went to leah.

"can we go upstairs?" i asked. leah nodded and then followed me up to my room.

the new girl and her kidWhere stories live. Discover now