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beth brought liv back a while later. when i heard the door open downstairs, i slid out of bed.

i went down and saw liv taking off her shoes.

"look what auntie beth got me" liv said. she showed me a barbie.

"did you say thank you" i said. she nodded and ran into the living room.

"beth you didn't have to" i said.

"it's fine. i wanted to get it her. we took her to watch barbie and then we went into the shopping centre" beth said.

"and how come she's calling you auntie now. did you get her to call you that" i questioned.

"no of course not" beth said suspiciously.

"yeah because referring to yourself as auntie beth is definitely not getting her to call you that" viv said rolling her eyes.

"so what happened between you and leah. did you do anything" beth wiggled her eyebrows.

"what the fuck beth. no we just talked." i said.

"then why did you need us all out of the house" viv said.

"because it was a very important conversation and i didn't need you two or liv eavesdropping" i said with a laugh.

"fair enough" beth said.

we went to the living room and saw liv playing with her barbie.

"where's leah. i want to show my barbie" liv said.

"she's asleep, you can show her tomorrow liv." i said.

we sat downstairs for around 10 minutes and then i needed to take liv up for bed.

"come on livvy. it's bedtime" i said. she came with me and went upstairs. i got her dressed and brushed her teeth before tucking her into bed.

"night night baby" i said, kissing her forehead.

"night mummy" she said.

i went to my room and got dressed into my pyjamas before brushing my own teeth and sliding into bed with leah again.

the next morning my alarm went off and leah switched it off.

"wake up hayley" leah said shaking me slightly. i groaned and rubbed my eyes. i put my arm around her and closed my eyes.

"as much as i'd love to stay here like this, liv or someone is going to come in and we need to get ready for training" leah said into my hair.

we got up and leah went back to her room. i got ready and then went to wake liv up. i got her ready and then gave her breakfast.

we all went in one car today and dropped liv off at her preschool.

we went to training and met the other girls.

we did shooting practice and a mini match.

i scored 2 goals and assisted 3. my team won 6-2.

after training we went straight to pick liv up. i went in and she ran straight towards me. i signed her out and took her to the car.

we got home and i got liv showered and changed as she had paint on her clothes and face.

after that i made her a snack. i saw leah sat on the sofa alone so i sat beside her.

"hi leah" i said.
"hi pretty girl" she said.

"just about tonight, are we leaving liv with the girls?" i asked.

"we can take her with us if you want. i completely don't mind. it's up to you" she said.

"no it's fine we will leave her. but what do i say to the girls?" i asked.

"just say me and you are going out for dinner or something" she shrugged.

"and what should i wear?" i asked. i had no idea where we are eating so i don't know how to dress.

"fancy" she said.

i nodded and left. i went to find beth and viv. i knocked on their door.

"come in" viv called.

they were sat in bed watching a movie together.

"can you two keep liv tonight. me and leah are going out and we need someone to keep liv" i said.

"of course, special occasion?" beth asked.

"no we're just going for dinner." i said.

"right well have fun. don't stay out too late and don't drink too much" beth said with a wink.

i left the room and went to shower. when i came out i put on a shirt and shorts. i don't need to get dressed right now as we're not leaving for a few hours. i went downstairs to check on liv and saw leah and liv cuddled up on the sofa reading a book. it was absolutely adorable.

i went back up and did my hair. i dried it and then straightened it. i put on some light makeup and some jewellery.

i went down to liv and saw that she was alone watching tv. leah must have gave her the tv so she could get ready.

"livvy come" i said and held my hand out. she came with me and i walked her to beth's room.

"mummy is going out tonight so if you need anything ask beth or viv. i want you on your best behaviour okay?" i said.

"okay mummy" she said.

i took her into beth's room and she climbed on the bed. she got in between the girls and watched tv with them.

"bedtime is 9 okay?" i said. they all nodded and then i left.

i went and got dressed into a black dress. i put on some perfume and went downstairs. leah was sat on the sofa waiting for me.

"wow you look incredible" she said with an open mouth.

"you look amazing" i said to her.

she stood up and kissed my cheek before leading me outside to her car.

she drove us to a restaurant and we got seated.

we looked through the menu and chose our food. i ordered a steak and leah chose a pasta.

we spoke for a while, about everything, football, ourselves, the restaurant.

the food arrived and we ate it.

we ordered an ice cream sundae to share for dessert. after we ate, leah payed the bill. i insisted that we split it but she wouldn't let me.

"i'm the one that invited you. just let me pay it" she said.

after we left, leah drove us home. it was around 10:30pm.

"i really enjoyed going out with you. we should go out again some time" she said.

"i agree" i said with a smile.

she put her hand and my cheek and leaned in. she pressed her lips against mine and i felt fireworks erupt inside me.

we went upstairs and got ready for bed.

"goodnight leah" i said as i went back to my room.

"night hayls" she said and went into her room.

i got ready for bed fell asleep almost instantly, reflecting on the evening.

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