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Oh my gosh it's about time I Never thought the day was gonna end
I walked out of class and down the hall than waited for Ava and Alex, Ava was the first to me Alyssa we should have a sleep over on Friday and invite the group.

Hell yeah we should it would be so much fun!

Wait,who's house we gonna do it at?
We could always do it at mine. I said
But what would we do? She ask

If we do it than I'm sure one of use will come up with something todo.
Yeah I'm sure your right.

Your sure of what? I jumped at the sound of the males voice
Oh you know.

No I don't actually.
Before I turned Alex came in front of us

There's no way. He said
What? Said Ava

I scared Alyssa
And? That's not really a big deal that you scared me I get scared easily

Ok,than never mind

Anyways Alex said Ava what we were talking about was having a sleepover on Friday and we could stay over at Alyssa's and we were going to invite the group

Oh yeah that would be fun and your sure it's gonna happen?
It should right Alyssa?

If people can make it than I think that would be a yes.

Alright than I'll be there for sure!

"You three need to leave the school if your walking off they are now closing the gates."

Ok sorry we all said to the hall monitor

We than walked out the school

Will see you tomorrow Ava
Ok bye bestie!

So a sleepover huh?
I guess she asked for it

Do you even wanna do it?
Yeah it seems fun and to have the group and get to know each other a little more and spill the tea

And you know-
(Ring ring)
Sorry hold on my dad is calling.
When are you guys leaving?
You want me to stay at their house?
But we're literally neighbors they can walk over and check on me so I shouldn't have to stay there!
Ok ok, yes I know and I'll promise I won't be disrespectful
Dad why would you say that? I'm not gonna kiss her or do anything
Ok yes I love you too text me how the trip is and when your coming back and when your home

Whoa what was that about? I ask

Apparently my dad and mom are leaving for a trip today at this moment and they are making me stay at your house

Why? When you literally live next to us
That's what I'm saying

Here comes the bus I said
We both stood up and walked over to the bus the diver opened the door and we walked in to the bus and took our seats in the front because the back was filled

So before we go in my house do you want to grab some of your things?

Yeah it would be best to do it now than later and where am I even gonna sleep?

Not sure the only available thing to sleep on is the couch but the couch is not comfy sense we are still getting new things to add to the house but the couch is on the list.

That's fine I'm sure it's not bad.
Yeah"not bad"

Alex and Alyssa this is your stop please exit the bus
We got up grab our bags and got off the bus
First stop your house
Before he opened the door I said, I just realized I haven't been in your house.

That's right you haven't well now is a good chance to go in.
We went in and it was a normal looking house kitchen, livening room,stairs we went upstairs and entered his room

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