chapter 307

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“Do you remember anything? How did you get to the Callahan Manor? Where have you been this whole time?” Jeremy asked as they sat in the hospital bed waiting for the results.

Elsa looked into space as if she were trying to remember something, only to give up with a deep sigh. “No... I woke up in the middle of the mangrove forest next to April Sea. I started walking towards the road, looking for where to run to. That was when I saw on TV at an electronics shop by the road that they were showing a party at the Callahan Manor, and it was live. I figured you would be there, so I ran and snuck in to find you.”

“You don’t remember where you were before you woke up?”

Elsa gave an expression that showed she was struggling to recall. “No. It’s all blank. My last memory was the day of my sentencing. Other than that, it's all blurry.”

She then turned to Jeremy in panic. “Did I escape from jail?”

Jeremy immediately shook his head seeing her frightened state. “No... no, you didn’t. Your case was dismissed.”

Elsa looked at Jeremy, confused. When did that happen? “Really?”

Jeremy nodded. “Yeah...”

Elsa's shoulders dropped in despair. “I don’t remember that happening,” she said, rubbing her temples.

Jeremy didn’t want Elsa to struggle with her memory, her head might start hurting. So he held her hand as if to calm her. “It’s okay, we’ll figure it out later. I am just so glad you’re okay and you’re here with me.”

Despite not knowing how Elsa was still alive, he was happier that Elsa was okay. The rest, he would figure out later. He just needed Elsa to be fine.

The doctor came back with the results and said Elsa was okay and she could go home. There was nothing unusual about her.

Jeremy felt relieved to hear that. Elsa had to fake her relief, she knew she was okay.


Jeremy drove Elsa to his villa immediately, barely watching the road as his eyes were on Elsa most of the time.

He had to make sure Elsa was still there with him. He didn’t want to look away then turn around and not find her there.

Jeremy opened the car door and led Elsa into the villa. Elsa didn’t even think she would be back in this place, a house filled with nothing but painful memories. It was a house she would love to burn down with Jeremy inside, sleeping.

Every time she looked at Jeremy, all she thought about was how to kill him.

“Do you need anything? Are you hungry?” Jeremy asked with a gentle voice.

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