chapter 371

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Elsa agreed to go with Jeremy to the hospital, but not before she received a phone call from Coco, her right-hand woman.

Coco had a theory that Esther may have made copies of the video she showed Elsa, the one where she killed Jenna.

She asked Elsa if they could act now while Esther's mansion was empty, with John still serving time, Esther missing, and Victoria going back and forth between staying with Jeremy and the McConnells, to sneak in and check the house.

Elsa had been collecting evidence against Esther one piece at a time, like Pokemon, but that video would be the final blow to Esther.

With Elsa's blessing, Coco and her crew had been sneaking into Esther's house every night, searching for tapes that might contain the evidence Elsa needed.

They would search during the night and clean up after themselves when they left.

Esther being ‘away’ gave them ample time because no one was home.

The house Esther lived in was a gift from Rosanna and James as a thank you for raising Victoria. They had received many benefits from the McConnells and planned on getting more from the Callahans after Jeremy married Victoria.

When Coco called Elsa the next morning after searching all night at Esther’s mansion, she said the three magical words, “we found it.”

The words that put a grin on Elsa's face that equaled that of the Grinch.

Esther had hidden the video in a safe in her bedroom. They cracked the code and found several tapes inside, all containing the same footage of Esther giving pills to Jenna, Jenna taking them, and then Jenna hanging herself with a rope.

Esther had made multiple copies for some reason.

Elsa felt a pain in her heart thinking about that video and remembering what she saw. She had searched everywhere for it, even in the hospital records, but never found any copies. But now it was here.

The next step was to find Esther and get her arrested, charging her with murder.

After Elsa became rich, she presented the case to the police. Because with power, no one can stand in your way anymore.

All they needed was that solid evidence, and they would arrest Esther. And here it was.

Elsa told Coco to give two of the tapes to her lawyer and have him wait for her that afternoon so they could take them to the police and officially open the case against Esther.


Elsa helped Braden get ready for the doctor and fed him his breakfast. Braden looked so happy around Elsa, which did not go unnoticed by Jeremy.

He started comparing how Braden acted around his mother to how he was with Elsa. With Victoria, Braden was always quiet, with his eyes on the floor. He would appear cold whenever he was around her, something Jeremy had thought was just Braden's shy personality.

But with Elsa, Braden talked more and smiled more. He basically seemed more present.

Jeremy observed how Elsa took care of Braden and knew she would have been a good mother.

She truly cared for Braden, despite him being Victoria's child. That was something not everyone in her shoes would do.

If only their children had survived and Elsa had a chance to be a mother to her own children.

But... the power of death was something that not even the richest man could handle or overcome.

Death wouldn't spare you, no matter how much money or power you had.


So y’all stopped commenting on the chapters? Okay. That’s cool. I’m not mad. Just don’t complain if the next chapters are short. It’s a give and  take, honestly.

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