Chapter 15: Harbor

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"



Watching myself from the reflection; the side mirror manifested me with a darker atmosphere as the brought-up window made it translucent to see through. The roadway flashes like a bullet train but when I lingered my eyes farther, it looked as if time went sloth.

I heard a button click. Music started coming out the speakers which I cannot find where, but I knew the melody was all over the place. The fresh beat came into my ears, planning to rent for the entirety of my life. I dashed my eyes to Rijo before the music player. A large screen merged with the dashboard, moving along the speedometers. It played the song I was never familiar with, but it had one vibey tone in it.

Not realizing, my brows furrowed which Rijo noticed, giving me a quick forehead raise before returning his attention to the road. The lyrics of the song slid onto the screen. Reading it while trying to sync my mind with each syllables.

Realizing, it sounded more of those songs intended for rich joy rides; music fit for when the stalls on the streets sell food on sticks with the price of a fine dining. In total, it's one of those music soul-bought by BGC which made me out-of-place.

"You don't like the song?" Rijo asked with his eyes straight to the road. I wondered off, thinking of his music taste not intersecting with mine since he said he listens to The Crusaders.

"No, it's okay," but took a moment for me to reply. He reached for the screen and tapped an icon familiar to me. Better music, for me, came through. Started with a soft guitar tune. The voice of my favorite artist entered my ear. It only took me a second to recall my memory of the lyrics. I sang along in my mind.

And I don't wanna be followed
my steps, my footprints won't die down
but I still feel two eyes on me I can't seem to leave
I don't know what next is through
hunting and haunting
but I think it's not real

I smiled where he wouldn't notice it. I was still timid to show off my deeper emotions, even the ones caused by little things because the one driving was still new to me and my zone.

My eyes focused outside as the buildings slowly became trees, having me to think we were now on the lesser urban areas. I didn't notice the atmosphere becoming quiet and such.

Out of place, my hand begin to find for a button, planning to lower the window. It went across the whole side door which made my movements highlighted for Rijo to notice.

"What are you finding?" By the time he said that, my finger was already pressing the first button it landed on. It clicked but nothing happened. It clicked the second after but I didn't do anything. Then the window lowered all by itself revealing the minty wind. My eyes went on Rijo since I knew he was the one that rolled down the window using his fancy automatic vehicle.

When I returned my eyes outside, the sunlight beamed like a bright smile on me, and later on revealing the calm seashore that nearly no one swims in. Admiring it while the air brushes my hair.

Three more minutes and we arrived at the roadside bay. There were ports at the distance but stalls and flashy food places were more evident in the place.

I contained my excitement but hurriedly pulling the latch of the door and stepping my foot on the old-felt asphalt. Rijo went out next after settling the inside of his car. My eyes were in the eyes of people eating and taking a walk around the whereabouts. My hand freely slammed the car door slightly heavier which I only noticed after I heard the loud shut. The hand I used went quickly to cover my mouth. I looked at Rijo with his mouth pierced with a hole.

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