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"summer camp..?" bill mumbled.

"it's gonna be so fun!" beverly squealed.

"come on, big bill, don't be a party pooper now," richie joked, smacking his arm. bill rubbed it.

"i-i'm not, just not a b-big fan of camps."

"well, good luck then, everyone's going," stanley said, patting his back. bill sighed.

"how long i-is it?"

"two weeks," answered eddie. bill face palmed.

"ay-ay-aye.." bill grumbled.

"oh, head up, billy, it'll be funn!" richie said. "besides, maybe you can get yourself a girl there!"

"oh shut your t-trap, trashmouth," said bill, and richie giggled.

the day came that the losers all set off for the camp, south-wind. they were excited, driving on a separate bus from the upper-class-men since there were so many high school students.

upon arrival, beverly began squealing, pointing out everything she could find. the camp was huge, and there were people there welcoming in the busses and cars that carried teens.

"you guys get your cabin?" asked mike.

the losers all checked theirs. "bear's grove," said ben.

"same," said bill.

"same," said stanley.

"me too," added eddie.

"okay, cool, i did too," mike sighed in relief.

"great, now i gotta be in a cabin with a bunch of weird girls," beverly chuckled. richie pat her on the back.

"don't worry, ms. marsh, we will rescue you from your misery," he said.

"as long as you're not around," eddie directed to richie as he mumbled. richie gasped and put a hand over his heart.

"rich, what cabin d-do you have?" asked bill.

"ehh.. blue lagoon. damn it, hopefully ms. k's in my cabin," he said. eddie punched his shoulder.

"beep beep.." he uttered.

"good luck on your own, you'll need it," said stanley. richie nodded.

"don't worry, i'll make so many besties," richie said proudly, lying to himself with a confident grin.

everyone made their way down to their cabins to get situated, richie entering the room where no one was since all the boys were fucking around in the bathroom. he sighed and made the bed, looking up at the person who entered.

his face paled and dropped, and he tried to cover it, but the person got closer and began hollering.

"holy shit! it's faggot tozier!" henry yelped, laughing in richie's face.

"why, why, why," richie whispered.

"well, bunkmate," said henry, throwing his stuff above richie's part of the bunk. "looks like we're gonna have some fun here after all."

"you're psychotic," richie mumbled.

"i'm bored, that's all. and you're a helpless victim," henry commented, crouching to richie, whose breath hitched and tears crowded his eyes.

"go away."

"nahh.. i'm sure you're excited for this trip too, right?"

"not anymore."

"aww, don't be a negative nancy."

"can you shut the fuck up with those jokes already?! i'm not fucking gay!"

"whatever you say, just know, these next two weeks are about to be a living hell.." grumbled henry, who entered the bathroom. richie sighed shakily.

"fucking fantastic."

richie left the cabin after getting his things set up, wishing he had his phone so he could contact the losers.

he strolled around, casually searching for the cabin that read 'bear's grove'. around twenty minutes later, he came across it, and entered to the losers, who sat on their beds and talked, everyone looking at richie.

"hey, rich!" mike said, and richie smiled, entering the cabin.

"heyy," he said, sitting next to eddie on his bed.

"we were just talking about—" ben started.

"me? i know!" richie interrupted, not really knowing but trying to make everything about himself as per usual.

"yes, actually. you and bev. it's weird without you guys," ben chuckled lightly. richie sucked in a breath and let it out as if he just drank something refreshing.

"i know, we're just the lives of the party!" richie said.

"bev is. you're more the life of an annoying person," eddie commented with a frown. richie shook his head.

"i can't believe this negative commentary!" richie said. "well, losers, let's go find our beloved bev, shall we?"

everyone agreed and they stood, leaving the cabin and walking around a bit, eventually stumbling across beverly, who informed them that she was looking for them as well and they all hung out together in the game room for the next hour.

"so, bev, make any weird girl friends?" stanley asked. beverly chuckled.

"they were actually really nice. a few of them, the others just seemed bitchy and rude. but i talked to a couple of them, i think i'll get along with 'em," she said.

"that's great!" cheered eddie.

"richiee, did you?" she asked, looking past eddie at him. he was staring at the floor, and she tilted her head.

as the question lingered in the air and was left with no response, everyone looked at him. he looked up.

"what?" richie asked.

"you good?" asked eddie. richie smiled and walked up to the game beverly and stan were playing and eddie was spectating.

"allll good, eduardo! whatcha guys playin?"

"well, if you're that fucking blind, foosball," answered stanley sharply. richie nodded.

"i see where we stand!"

night rolled around, and richie only returned to the cabin when he had to. he sighed roughly, walking through, and immediately being shoved to the ground.

all of the boys looked over, the room washing silent as henry began to laugh manically.

"what the fuck, henry?!" richie yelped, sitting up and glaring up at the boy.

"that was so funny! ohh, god, this is gonna be FUN!" hollered henry, and he crouched next to richie. "say a fucking word to ANYBODY about what happens these next two weeks, i'll beat you fucking dead, tozier, got it?"

richie sighed and nodded, and henry stood. richie huffed and stood, walking over to his bed with anger as henry entered the bathroom again. the kid that's bed was next to richie's looked over at him.

"hey, you okay?" the boy said. richie's eyebrows rose.

"huh? yeah, all good."

"you sure?"

"yeah. he's just some full-of-himself-douche," richie said lowly, staring down at his hands. the kid nodded.

"do you know him?"

"yeah. fuckin' school bully."

"ohh, i'm sorry," he said. richie looked at him.

"eh. it's alright!" he held a hand out to the kid. "i'm richie. richie tozier."

the boy smiled and shook richie's hand. "mason. hard. do not comment on my last name," he chuckled. richie smirked and snickered.

"got iiit..."

"alright people! lights out," the man said, shutting down the lights as everyone in the cabin groaned.

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