I hate you.

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“omg looking over than usual ..” “Still ugly under all this mountain of make-up…” “Long face doesn’t fit your body, sorry not sorry…”

“Who she thinks she is?...” She said to herself in some family gathering, she sat over there in the same corner every time she attend a family gathering and commenting about every person she see. 

“Mom I need to go home”

“Why? It’s fun go sit with some girls and have some fun..” Her mom said, she walked away and went to the kitchen to get food, To the food , food makes her happy even though she is not fat at all, She saw a box of chocolate on the fridge she wanted to reach it she can’t she is too short to reach it but she tries till the box fall down and hit her face and the pieces of chocolate all over the place “uh .. Same tragedy different day..” she said talking to the pieces of chocolate in the flour

“it isn’t bad you know” a deep voice came from the back she turns around and saw him the most perfect guy sitting in the kitchen table who looks like he was here since before she entered the kitchen, his black curly hair that fits his face perfectly and the wide eyes with the eyebrows above them with his perfect small nose and his lips with all the beard all over it,

“wha..t?” she said looking at him, he stand up and walked toward her and he looked way taller than her he took the pieces of chocolate in the ground and put them in the box and gave it to her

“the family gathering isn’t so bad you can still have fun you know”

“please you don’t know anything ok! ..” she said as she walked away and heard his laugh then he shouted

“BYE” she just went away and sat into her corner thinking how annouying he is “uh do I have to live with these people ? selfish , shallow , ignorant , look at me kinda girls!” thinking to herself.

She went home with her family and she couldn’t be any happier that she survived this round of family gathering, she went to her room and opened her blog that she runs to talk about everything in her life and she started writing down “so today another day of living with ignorant people who thinks life all about them, like I hate them so much I want to leave this place but hey only 244 days till I leave this place got to keep surviving  till then wish me luck xx Claudia” she kept scrolling blogs and listening to songs. She posted some footballers pictures she had this obsession over football she knows everything about every single footballer and specially players of the team AC Milan. “soon am coming to you” she said looking at some Maldini picture that hanging in her wall.

In the next morning she woke up and went to eat breakfast downstairs with the family “Good morning!” her mom said with the tune of you-have-no-life-grow-up-and-stop-being-such-a-boy-you-should-act-lady-like-stop-waking-up-late-and-staying-up-all-night-on-the-internet. But as usual Claudia ignored and said “Where is the newspaper mom?” “are you checking for today’s match? You can’t watch any, we need to go to this Dinner …” her mom didn’t even finish the sentence and Claudia interrupt “NO! Absolutely not, am not going to any Dinner” “it’s my friend son celebrating dinner you have to” “gosh what’s wrong with you people the guy just came back from some country you have to throw him a dinner and a party and stuff like that? Celebrating what!” “his degree ! he studied hard and earned that degree he graduated collage which I accept from you to complete it and earn some degree like him” “gosh! Mom …” she looked at the newspaper where is says she have an AC Milan match at 5:45 pm “I can’t, NO NO! I can’t it’s AC Milan who are playing tonight I can’t!” “End of this discussion you are going!” all the Claudia points makes no sense to her mom and she had to go. 

5:45 pm Claudia was in the car in the way to the dinner party, to attend this boring long dinner “I can’t believe you mom it’s AC Milan match I have to watch it” “you can watch the next match” her mom said not giving a little damn to care “oh mom no I can’t just watch the next match! This is important you don’t understand it!” “watch it through twitter!” “You just don’t care don’t you? It’s like telling me to ban my own son my own love mom!.. And now I have to attend this meeting with shallow ignorant such a creepy people who talks about other people!” “I absolutely don’t care!” Claudia just sat back there in the car seat and feeling like crying how does her mom do that to her? Like football is Claudia life since she was a little girl, she loved the game and her mom never understands it! Or never wanted to, “Same fake girls, who thinks they are perfect …” as she entered the house and started greeting everyone in there even the people she doesn’t know because if she didn’t greet them that is a freaking rude disrespectful attitude from her. “Hey Claudia how are you?” one of the many people who knows her said “uh yah am OK!”  , she went upstairs as there is less people she rested her hand on the wall while watching the match alone in this kind of dark place to watch the match on her phone “go go baby go this way you stupid moron ! .. You can’t pass it you selfish boy why are you even playing!” she kept watching the second half till someone interrupted her “Ok! Am trying to sleep here” the same deep voice she heard last time the same annoying one that belongs to the gorgeous guy, she turns around she didn’t notice she was standing next to his room door “are you stalking me?” she said to him “NO! You are this is my house” “ugh please just go back to your room am having a problem here OK! So help me and go away” she said to him turning away and looked to her phone with excitement “OMG! Yes YES! That what I was talking about now you can play you farone guy” “that’s it what are you watching” he walked toward her to sneek peek to her phone that she was holding “AC Milan match wow!” “Yah?” she said looking at him even she is wearing a high heels he is still taller than her few inches “bunch of losers” he said walking away little didn’t he know she pushed his back “THEY ARE NOT A BUNCH OF LOSER YOU IGNORANT PERSON WHO DOESN’T KNOW ANTHING ABOUT FOOTBALL!” he was surprised by her but felt like it’s fun to annoy her more “yah when is the last time they won?” he said resting his hand in the wall and crossing his legs as he looked at her “Today! NOW actually so shut up” she bunched his shoulder and walked away.

As she turned back home she was celebrating the victory on her blog “so everyone who hates AC Milan take that 4 goals in your ugly face.” As she wrote that down to her blog she meant every word of that sentence to that guy. She kept scrolling throw Face book and throw her family members and friends and her moms friends once  she found his face book page she clicked at it and saw his name “Alexandre .. what an boring name oh my god how does he live with that name! let’s see what team does Mr. boring name support ?” she clicked and scrolled around she saw that he’s supporting Liverpool “WHAT! He’s calling my team a bunch of losers while he is supporting Liverpool when the last time they have won a trophy! Ugh what a stupid ignorant man he is!” she closed the page and went to sleep. 

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