The coincidence

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The next day her phone was ringing it was so loud she could feel the voice reaching the back of her brain she woke up and picked it up with a sleepy tired voice “Yes?” “WAKE UP! Am going shopping come on” her best friend shouted throw the phone to Claudia ears “gosh I don’t feel like going out and see people” “why is that?” “I hate people!” “They hate you too that’s why you are safe” “shut up!” “come on you are invisible to people they won’t notice you are walking in the mall!” Her best friend Hannah said to her trying to convince her to go out with her “..uh well you make a point ok I will be ready in few minutes” “good because am in my way now 3 minutes away” Claudia woke up and washed her face, brush her teeth, to shake the laziness from her back she didn’t feel like going she hates going out she loved sitting home in her room in the internet watching series and movies even football matches she loved her life and felt happy with it she accepted it but everyone else trying to change that just because it’s not a way of life or should I say they wanted her to be like them! Like any other girl they didn’t accept this different in her they would call it not normal. She went outside the house and closed the huge big house door of hers she always find it scary when she came home late night from anywhere she would be scared it looked like these hunted houses in the outside.

“Hey!” she said as she entered the car “hello! What’s up with your life?” “Boring as usual” Claudia said looking to the cars through the car window“Hey where are we going?” She asked looking at Hannah “To this Mall!” Hannah pointed to this town mall its huge boring nothing to like about it! “WHY!? I hate it” “I know me too; I have to buy some clothes you know!” they entered the mall and started shopping and looking into every shop window to see those colored clothes those new material made clothes and all that. “Hey am tired I need to go to buy a coffee” Claudia paused for a minute from all the shopping madness that Hannah couldn’t realize herself all they talked about is this tee-shirt and that jeans, that skirt with that heels  “Ok am going to check that Jacket it looks so good” Hannah said walking to the Jacket that was hanging there in the wall of one of the many shops in that mall, Claudia walked away to leave Hannah in her own little world of shopping spree she is doing every time she entered a mall, she walked into this coffee shop “Can I have a vanilla latte please?”she walked looking to the chocolate donate and the sugar one and this cheese cake little she didn’t know a annoying deep voice she can recognize “Hi can I have a hot chocolate please?” she walked away hiding her face hoping he wouldn’t notice her, she walked to the table and took her order as fast as she can and walked away “HEY Milanista maniac?” He said walking toward her and he stand right in front of her “What?” “Congratulation on your victory!” “Thanks and am sorry for your lost” “What lost?” he wondered “You support Liverpool? And calling my team bunch of losers when is the last time your team won huh? ….” She said while he stands there shocked by how she knew that! “Yah I thought so” she completed and walked away from him to Hanna’s who was looking at her talking to that boy “Who is that?” Hanna’s asked “No one just an ignorant hater” “okay” Hanna didn’t understand a word and just walked with the flow.

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