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"Alejandro!" Lily yelled to her brother as she walked halfway down the stairway.

"the fuck u want." he replied. peeking where she was "u forgot to take the fucking trash, fool." she reminded as she raised her voice.

"fuck that." he ignored. "u better get to it or I'm gonna throw away ur soda collection u adore so much."

"the hell? u better not." he once warned as she replied. "Then go its not even that hard." she walked back upstairs to where her room was.


1st person:

As i walked into my room, i went to the TELEVISION and turned it on, there wasnt really anything to watch, so i just put the news on.

I walled to my closet, and brung out a charm braclet making set (ion fucking know if charm braclet we made in the 80s Lmfao 😭💀) and brought out pliers.

As i was focused on what i was doing. I finished makeing the braclet and put back where i grabbed the set. I was going back to my bed and got really tired.

So i changed into pajamas and layed down on my bed until i fell peacefully asleep.


3rd person:

Her beautiful brown eyes glistening in the sun as a beautiful gold tint appears as she flutters her eyes.

She stretches upon the sky as her feet fall like a feather in the wind. (so aesthetic🥵).

as she got up she decidedly figured she'd take a walk  around los angelas, she dressed into a black crossover crop top with flare sleeves, then a red skirt.

as she got up she decidedly figured she'd take a walk  around los angelas, she dressed into a black crossover crop top with flare sleeves, then a red skirt

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Then styled her hair with curtain bangs and a messy low bun with sunglasses on her forehead.


Before going, she looked at herself in the mirror one last time. She walked down the stairs to where the two big doors were. "Alejandro." she called. "Hm. yeah?" he replied from his room that was on the second floor.

"I'm gonna head out, if anything happens then go to my room to where i keep the gun." i let him know as i waited for him to reply before i went out the door.

"I'll be fine, and alright." he went back to what he was doing.

as i headed out i spoke to myself "please be safe." and i was right.

There was a lot of saying there had been criminal organizations in random places, and a bunch of people dying. And might as well stay conatained to.

I cant beileve what this world has turned into...


As i was walking on the sidewalks in los angelos, i wanted to take a break from all this walking. So i entered a nearby restaurant where they sell cold fruit drinks and ice cream.

I ordered a watermelon cold drink and sat alone watching out the window.

A few minutes passed by and i already finished my cold drink, i payed for the bill and continued my walk.

I didnt pay much attention to the sidewalk, is because i was looking at the ground. So i bumped into someone without paying attention.

"watch where ur going." a raspy, heavy cuban accent hit my eardrums, i looked from the floor to the guy i bumped in to.

He had a scar to his left eyebrow that goes all the way to his cheek. "I-i'm truly sorry sir, i wasnt paying attention." i convinced the scary dude with a scar.

His droopy long eyelashed eyes looked me up and down, until a cocky grin curled up onto his face.

"What does a pretty girl like u walking around in a mad city like this." he looked down to my level(Lily is 5'1 and he is 5'8).

He brushed his pointer finger on my cheek, i swiftly pushed his hand away. "what do u think ur doing ?!" i raised my voice at him

"woah, feisty much, i love it..." he put his hands up to where his head was in surrender

he put his hands down "well... im running late now, whats ur name Ms, Mysteria?" he questioned

I raised my eyebrow in a confused manner. "Ms. Mysteria?" he looked me dead in the eye waiting for an answer.
"but why?" i questioned him is time.

"It's getting really late now, i don't need to explain just give me ur name and i will leave u alone." i couldn't just stand there just quiet like that with no answer..

"My name.. my name is Lily.." i replied. He nodded and reached into his pocket pulling out a pen.

He grabbed my hand and wrote his number on it. "call me" he smirked, as he was about to pull away, he messaged the Muscle on my hand then walked away.


3rd person:

As she got home, she dressed in a sleeping robe with her under clothes under, and went to her bed.

As she was falling asleep she thought of the guy she met...

End of chapter.

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