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3rd person:

As she woke up, she yawned and got up from her bed. She walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

She bent down at the cabinets level and brought out a towel; She undressed herself, and got into the warm steamy bubble bath with rose petals in it, that the maid had set for her.

She got comfortable, scrubbing the dirt off herself and relaxed her eyes.

1st person:

As i got out, i wrapped myself in a towel and dried my hair with a smaller towel.

I walked out to my room and got a blood silk bath robe on.
I looked at my hand where the mysterious man had put his phone number on.

I picked up the telephone beside my bed, thinking if i should dial or not. instead i dialed one of my best friends phone number.

She picked up right away . "hey. Lily, what's up?" she said, "Hey, I-uhh was just wondering if u were busy this week." i replied.

"I'm going to a club if u feel interested?" she questioned. "Oh sure. I'd love to come." i answered.

"Alright! Clubs at 10:29 PM." It was 9:56 when i peeked at the clock. "Alright. I'll see u there." i put the telephone back on the holder.

I went to my closet to pick out an outfit,
I picked an black long silk dress and curled my hair.

I went to my closet to pick out an outfit, I picked an black long silk dress and curled my hair

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I put on my black heels and i called alejandro if he wanted to come

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I put on my black heels and i called alejandro if he wanted to come.

"Alejandro!" i called after him. "yes?" he replied from the living room.
"u wanna come?" i said swinging my purse around on my pointer finger.

He looked over and saw me. "Where to?" he asked "To a club." he got up and walked over to his room.

"sure. I'll go." he replied.

3rd person:

After her brother got dressed. Her friend came over in a shiny white cadillac with shiny clean silver lining it.

Her and her brother ran over and hopped in.


When they arrived, they hopped out and approached the entrance, she had her right arm around her brothers neck.

when they were inside, her brother looked at another woman "I'm gonna go chill with that hot babe over there." he said to her.

"u do u." she removed her arm around his neck and walked over to the bar.

She sat there minding her business as her friend next to her was flirting with a man and sitting on his lap.

She sighed and rolled her eyes getting up and moving to another table that was away from them, she sat n the middle of the circular booth.

in the corner of her eye she saw the entrance open and close.

She turned her head over and saw the guy with a scar on his left side of his face, and another man that was quite handsome.

She quickly looked away hoping he didnt see her, and he gladly didnt. he walked over to where the bar was and ordered 2 shots for him and his friend.

She minded her business once again and looked around and brought a rose cigar out and a lighter, she puffed out her cigar and flicked the ash off.

1st person:

I looked over to where the man and his friend was, he was talking to his friend but he turned his head towards me.

I looked away, trying to hide the fact i was looking.
I looked over again and he was still staring, a cocky smirk curled up onto his face.

He whispered to his friend, his friend nodded and moved to another spot where there was more people.

He got over to his seat to my area, i tried not to remain eye contact so i pretended i was looking around.

"we meet again, Lily." he said scootching close to me where our bodies touch.

"yeah.. i guess." i looked away from him, he brought his right arm right up to my chin and turned it so we remained eye contact.

"ur so beautiful..." he said rubbing my chin, i turned away with butterflies in my stomach.

"what do u want from me?" i asked him, he brought a hand up to my thigh and rubbed it upwards.

"i want u.." he said as his hand went up farther close to my area, i gasped and shoo his hand away.

"what?! we met yesterday, i-i dont even know u." i scooted farther away from him.
"That doesnt matter, all i know is i am into u and no one else, and i see the way u react when i do this..".

he scooted closer to me and breathed on my neck, i whimpered and grabbed on to the tickling sensation on my neck.

"Okay, Okay.. i'll think about it, " i begged. He stopped and looked into my eyes.

"if u made up ur mind contact me" he gabbed my hand in his, and went away.


after he went away. I rested my eyes until my brother and friend woke me up at the end of the club.

End of Chapter

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