Chapter Four. 1917 January 29th

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Floofy would grab his rifle and chamber a round into it, and he'd grab the ladder waiting for the whistle... minutes felt like hours until the whistle broke the silence and floofy climbed the ladder as machine gun fire ripped thro the air and floofy ran as his comrades were right next to him charging at the enemy but floofy would narrowly avoid falling into a crater as bullets we're almost hitting him but he would cut his leg in barbed wire "Ah!" Floofy would fall into the mud near the enemy trench, floofy would look around realizing his rifle was in barbed rifle and all he had was his entrenching tool and bayonet as weapons now but he'd crawl into the trench and pull out his entrenching tool and walk around carefully as he hears gunfire coming from the distance in the trench and sometimes a bayonet stabbing someone but floofy would continue through the trench being careful of enemy's but floofy would slowly let down his guard but the more he walked through the trench he couldn't help but feel bad due to the conditions of the trench but floofy would sit on a duckboard but floofy would close his eyes as it becomes quiet and quieter but floofy couldn't fall asleep so he stood back up and went back to where his rifle is and he would grab it and get back into the trench and sling it on his back as he walks down into a dugout and grabs a small radio and brings it out and turns it and it starts playing French and sometimes German music and he sits there listening to the radio just wanting this war to end.

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