Sorry for any mistakes, I was too anxious to finally get this chapter out. And I was too tired lol Enjoy! :)
As Muhsin stepped into the room, Hudayfah watched from where he was standing in the corner of the room, being 'guarded' by Laith. Jamaal had dragged him in there five minutes earlier telling him that he wouldn't want Hudayfah to miss out on the fun.
What a sicko.
He was just glad Jenna wouldn't be in here. It would be too taxing on her to have to witness this, even if the FBI was going to put a stop to it before anything could happen. Issam had let him slip into her room last night for a couple of hours since Jamaal was sleeping, and even though she was putting up a brave front, he could tell how nervous she was. He had held her tightly in his arms until she had fallen asleep, praying that soon all of this would be over, and he could take her home, and keep her safe forever.
He wished he didn't have to be there, for even though he knew that there were five agents in the room, he still had a deep feeling of unease in the pit of his stomach. Before Issam had brought him here, he had fitted Hudayfah with a wire, and a bullet proof vest, giving him some last minute instructions...
"Do not under any circumstances, give away our situation." Issam said sternly, taping the small recorder to the middle of Hudayfah's chest.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, that even if Jamaal guns down every single agent in the room, do not confess to knowing anything. Sami, Jafar, and a few others will be outside just in case, but we cannot have you blowing this."
"Why do you think I would blow it?!"
"I'm not saying that you would purposely. But you are not trained to think fast on your feet like the rest of us are. If something goes wrong, I don't want you freaking out."
"I'm not going to freak out!"
"Okay, good."
"You really think Jamaal is going to figure out there are agents in the room?" Hudayfah asked after a few minutes of silence.
Issam shrugged.
"He could. He is starting to get desperate, and desperate men notice everything. Even if someone were to brush their hair out of their eyes, he could become suspicious." He paused to rip off another piece of tape. "For argument's sake, let's say he was able to pick out one of us, the rest of us would have to go along with whatever he does. It may seem a little weird, but we have to follow his orders even if it seems like it's going against the plan. It's better than blowing all of our covers. So I have to warn you again. No matter what happens..."
"Don't let on that I know anything. Yes I'm not stupid." Hudayfah muttered in an irritated voice.
"And just go along with it."
"Fine." Hudayfah mumbled. "Why do I have to wear a wire?"
"Because we need recorded proof when Jamaal tries to kill Muhsin."
"No I know that," Hudayfah said raising his arm as Issam taped another wire down. "But why do I have to wear it?"
"Because you would be the last person Jamaal would suspect."
"Why is that?"
"Because," he paused to loop the wire around Hudayfah's shoulder, handing him the vest to strap on. "You have been locked up and under guard. The rest of us have had free reign to move in and out of the house. If he gets suspicious, you won't be the first he thinks of."

Captured Hearts Book 1 in the Heart Series - Wattys 2015 Winner
Mystery / ThrillerJenna Yousuf has everything all girls envy. A mansion, fancy cars, diamonds and jewels, closets filled with clothes, shoes and purses. A hot husband. But she isn't happy. Who could be when you were forced to marry a man you don't love just to save y...