Ramadan Mubarak everyone! May Allah swt fill this month with blessings and accept from us our prayers, fasting, Duaa and good deeds. Don't forget to keep all of your brothers and sisters around the world in your thoughts and prayers!
She hadn't even been wearing a vest.
Yes Hudayfah had heard that getting shot even with a vest on hurt like heck.
But it prevented bullets from doing any damage.
And she hadn't even been wearing one.
The family waiting area of the surgical ward in the hospital was quiet, no one really having the energy to say anything, though once in a while, eyes would flicker over Hudayfah to make sure he was still sitting upright.
While Hudayfah knew that his family and friends were just trying to be supportive, right now, he wished he was alone. Jenna had been in emergency surgery for almost six hours now, with no updates.
He was going crazy.
"Hudayfah? Can I get you anything?" Rana asked as she took a seat next to him, and he shook his head.
"I'm fine." He whispered, though he wouldn't truly be fine until Jenna was out safely.
After Jamaal had pulled the trigger, it had happened too fast for anyone to stop him, Hudayfah had fully understood the phrase 'all hell broke loose'. Some of the men jumped on Jamaal, some of Jamaal's men tried to make a break for it, there was yelling and screaming, the neighbors started to come out, someone called the police, Laith called an ambulance, and Hudayfah had stood there frozen in shock, staring at his wife from where Muhsin held her, watching as blood started to soak the front of her clothes.
He hadn't been able to move, fearing it was a nightmare he just couldn't wake up from. It wasn't until he heard the sirens of the ambulance, and the paramedics rushed in that he realized what was happening.
It's a good thing Sami and Issam had been there to stop him because he would probably be in jail right now for killing Jamaal. Nonetheless, between him and Jafar, they had managed to beat him up so badly that instead of taking him into custody, they had to bring him to the hospital as well.
"Water maybe? Some coffee?" his sister spoke again, interrupting his thoughts.
"Barak Allahu Feeki habibti, but I'm okay for now. I'll let you know if I need anything." He said, and she nodded, before patting his cheek, and standing up, rejoining where Emma and Maria were sitting.
"Wow. You've had quite the day haven't you?" Rami asked, plopping down next to him, and Hudayfah sighed.
"No kidding." He shook his head. "I'm still hoping that it will turn out to be a horrible, terrible, awful dream."
"She will be okay InshaAllah. She's tough." Rami said reassuringly, and Hudayfah gave a small smile.
"InshaAllah." He said with another sigh, before he leaned back against the chair. "So do you know what's going on right now?"
Rami leaned back against his chair as well, crossing his arms.
"Well let's see. Sami, Muhsin and Jafar came back to headquarters and told us we needed to get down to the hospital right away. Jafar, by the way, was in trouble with Issam who was yelling his head off about 'staying in control'. What's that about?"
"Jafar and I almost killed Jamaal. Literally with our bare hands."
"Wow. Teaming up huh?" Rami said in amusement, and Hudayfah rolled his eyes.
"Well it's a good thing Issam and Laith were there to stop us. He was screaming like a little girl."
"Please tell me someone recorded it?!" Rami exclaimed with a snort of laughter and Hudayfah shook his head, smiling slightly.

Captured Hearts Book 1 in the Heart Series - Wattys 2015 Winner
Misterio / SuspensoJenna Yousuf has everything all girls envy. A mansion, fancy cars, diamonds and jewels, closets filled with clothes, shoes and purses. A hot husband. But she isn't happy. Who could be when you were forced to marry a man you don't love just to save y...