Chapter Six

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Cato POV

It's the first day of training.

Clove and I wear identical smirks as we step into the training room. Most of the other tributes are already there. They shrink away from us, their fear evident in their faces. The blonde girl from District One is the only one who doesn't look intimidated, leaning over to talk to her district partner.

"What do you think?" Clove asks.

"District One might last a while," I say. "The girl from Four could make it - the boy's as good as dead." We don't bother evaluating the rest of the districts - usually.

But this year, there's Katniss Everdeen to contend with.

I remember Katniss clinging on to me last night, her eyes wide and in shock at her near escape from death. Part of me still doesn't know why I didn't let her die - one down, all the better, right? - but I can't see her die in front of me.

I know that if it comes down to it, I won't be able to kill her. Not if I have to look into her eyes, see the terror in her face. Not if I already think of her as a person, rather than someone who stands in my path to victory.

I watch her carefully during training. She never touches the weapons, only practicing survival skills. But her eyes give her away.

Ever so often, they drift over to the archery section, almost longingly, before she turns away. When the blonde from One takes a shot - and misses - her jaw clenches and she turns away quickly.

That's it. Her strength is with bow and arrows.

Her partner doesn't seem to be made for any weapon in particular. His strength would probably lie in hand-to-hand combat. He isn't as sneaky as Katniss is. His eyes linger on her far too long, in a way that makes me want to rip his throat out.

My hand clenches around the sword in my hand as I slash and hack at the dummies around me, decapitating them, killing them instantly if they were human. I imagine each one to be Lover boy's face, the anger fueling me on.

Finally, the dummies lie in pieces around me and I look up, my eyes locking with Katniss's.

Hers are wide with fear and horror and suddenly I feel like a monster.

Katniss POV

God, who was I kidding?

Obviously, yesterday night was all an act, a ploy to gain my trust. I let myself forget that Cato is from District 2, that he's a Career, that he's made to kill, but the reminder is right in front of my eyes.

I focus on the rope I'm holding in my hand determinedly, blocking out the sounds of swords clashing and knives finding their target. Twist, loop, tie. Twist, loop, tie. Twist, loop, tie...

Peeta is beside me, tying knots at a slower pace, looking at me curiously. "Are you alright, Katniss?"

"I'm fine!" I snap, then feel bad as I see the hurt look on Peeta's face. "I'm fine," I repeat in a softer voice. "Just...worried." The words escape me in a rush, and I realize for the first time what a relief it is to say them.

Peeta's face softens. "Is it about Prim? Or is it for yourself?"

"Both," I admit quietly. "I'm worried about what will happen to her if I die. I don't want her to grow up like I did, having to take care of my mother all by herself. I need to be there to protect her."

"I assure you, Prim will be fine. Do you think people don't care about her? My father won't let her starve, and neither will Gale. People admire you, Katniss. They'll look after Prim and your mother."

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