Chapter Eight

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Katniss POV

"You did what?"

I cringe and turn my face away from the accusing look on Effie's face. "I shot an arrow at the Gamemakers," I mumble, hoping she won't figure out just how bad it was.

No such luck.

Effie's voice rises to a shrill shriek. "Are you trying to get yourself killed, Katniss? An arrow straight into their midst? Can you imagine the consequences if it had hit them? You would have been charged for treason and executed in the square for the world to see!"

"Yes but I didn't," I point out, annoyed.

"You are missing the point!" Effie shrieked.

"Leave it, Effie," Haymitch groans. "Good lord woman, your shrieking is giving me a migraine."

"And you!" Effie whirls on Haymitch. Her hair is orange today, and coupled with the dark flush on her cheeks, she looks like a radish with a bad sunburn.

"How can you take this so lightly?" She yells. "Katniss can't just go around shooting whoever she wants -"

"Isn't that the reason why she's here in the first place?" Cinna cuts in quietly. "Effie, Katniss might just have done herself a favor."

"What?" Both Effie and I burst out, shocked.

Cinna leans forward in his chair, an intense look on his face. "Think about it. For years, the Gamemakers have been used to seeing tributes who are obedient, respectful, even meek and mild. And suddenly in comes Katniss, and she is different from the rest. She stands out. And the Gamemakers like that. From now on, she's unforgettable."


I'm not sure I can get used to being unforgettable. I've never been attention seeking, but now I've brought it upon myself.

Effie stands speechless, mouth gaping like a fish before she closes it with a snap and glares at all of us. "I have never seen such despicable manners!" She scolds as a passing remark, before striding out of the room.

I sigh. Effie is such a stickler for courtesy that it'll be a long time before I'm back in her good books again.

Cato POV

"You did what?"

Clove presses her fork into the ceramic surface of her plate as she glares daggers at me. "You invited that skinny Minnie from 12 to join us?" She says icily.

"Not a bad plan," Enobaria says almost approvingly. "From what I've heard, the Capitol likes her. She's one of their favorites, especially after that chariot ride. Twelve seems to be quite outstanding this year."

"She's not a Career," Clove spits through gritted teeth. "She's got nothing going for her, even if she's liked by the Capitol people."

"You can't know that," I shoot back. "Just because she's from 12 doesn't mean she isn't talented. I have a feeling she's quite skilled with a bow. I saw her looking at the archery section a lot."

"Is that really why you invited her?" Clove's steely gaze settles on me.

"Why else would I have invited her?" I snap back at my best friend.

"Because you're in love with her!"

I've never understood the phrase pin-drop silence, but the moment those words are out of Clove's mouth it feels like I really could have dropped a pin onto the shiny marble floor and heard it collide.

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