Ch 25 Hinata

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Be prepared for a short chapter y'all. Not gonna give any spoilers but...



It was almost 4:05 and here I was sitting on a bench at a random park I found.

Did he decide to not show up?

Did Tanaka-senpai not tell him the correct time?

Do I look okay right now?

Thoughts were racing in my head until I saw a familiar pudding head setter walk towards me.

He sat down right next to me. I couldn't help but admire his facial features every time I saw him. His golden, cat-like eyes; the faint smile he wore rarely; the way his dark roots transitioned into his bleached hair.

He was just so pretty.

"Shoyo? Helloooo?" He waved his hand in front of my face.

"Ah! Sorry Kenma.." I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment. 

The awkward atmosphere didn't help my confidence.

"So what did you want to talk about?" he asked.

I suddenly remembered something and took out the tablet. "Here you forgot to take this back." I gave it to him.

"Oh, so that's where it has been. Is that all you wanted to tell me?" His amber eyes pierced into mine. 

His eyes were shining in the sun along with his hair. I knew I was staring again but he was just so..

"Pretty.." I muttered.

I immediately smacked my hand over my mouth.


"Nothing!" I yelped.

"Oh okay then.. I'll be leaving now. See you soon Shoyo." he got up to leave.

By instinct I took his hand. 

"Shoyo? What is it?" he turned around yet again facing me.

I took a deep breath and finally said what I should've said about 10 minutes ago instead of stalling.

"I like you Kenma."

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