Chapter Four

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Brianne found herself sitting behind Chibs on his bike once again, an hour after the conversation in the Chapel. Clay had instructed him to take Brianne home to get changed and then right back to the TM again. He wants to take her for some Club business with them and wants her to see how things work around the Club. So Chibs agreed to take her home, then back to the TM, introduce their current prospect to her and then the Club should be off to do some business.

Unlike the last time she was riding with Chibs, she wasn't passing out this time. Instead, she had her hands firmly wrapped around his middle and was leaning against his back. She wouldn't lie, her heart began beating wildly in her chest because she was so close to him. As they rode on his bike, the engine roared beneath them, filling the air with a powerful hum. She could feel the vibrations from the bike, coursing through her body. She was very much aware of the man in front of her as she hugged his waist and gripped his leather kutte lightly. Brianne felt an odd sense of excitement on her second ride with Chibs.

She couldn't help but feel a slight tension in Chibs' body as her arms encircled him though. Brianne wondered if he was simply uncomfortable with her or if her being this close to him had the same effect on him the way his proximity had on her. The thought of her closeness affecting him sent a thrill through her. She did feel a sense of nervousness about being so close to him, to feel the heat radiating from his body – it ignited a fire within her and she couldn't deny it.

Her mind ran a playback of the night before when Chibs had wrapped his arm around her waist so she didn't fall. His touch was gentle but firm against her. He had also been gentle while helping Bobby stitch her up, and she also couldn't ignore the short glances he sent her way while doing so. Not to mention the sweatpants he had left for her, she appreciated not having to have to wear bloody jeans that morning. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to her.

As they approached Brianne's house, she felt a sense of relief knowing that she can finally detach herself from the Scotsman. The ride wasn't that bad but it stirred up a mix of emotions within her and she didn't know how to process all of them. She was exhilarated and at the same time, she was worriedly aware of the attraction she felt towards Chibs. Brianne knew that it was too soon to be worried about it, she had known the man for less than 24 hours. But some things she couldn't deny.

Chibs brought his bike to a stop on her driveway. Brianne had to take a short moment to compose herself before gently climbing off the bike, careful not to put too much pressure on her injured leg. She cringed slightly when pain throbbed in her thigh, a reminder of the event that took place the previous night. With a sigh, she leaned against his bike for support, her eyes met with Chibs' concerned ones. „Take it easy, darlin'.“ His voice was laced with genuine concern for her and it made her heart flutter. When was the last time someone showed genuine care for her well-being? She couldn't answer that question. „Give it time to heal.“

She offered Chibs a grateful smile and with her head motioned towards the house. She began limping towards her front door when he offered to help her. She leaned against him and they slowly hobbled towards the house. Once she unlocked the door, they stepped inside and a scent of a new house enveloped her senses. She had moved in not too long ago and still hadn't made this place a proper home. „Make yerself at home Chibs.“ She said, moving a box of her stuff to the side. „I won't take long.“

Chibs nodded, taking in his surroundings. The house reminded him of Jax's place, it wasn't bigger than his and it had that homey sense to it too. He noticed a box or two lingering in the home, she either already unpacked most of her stuff, or she didn't have much stuff she brought with her. He watched the ginger-haired woman disappear into a bedroom, closing the door behind her. Chibs felt bad for her, it was obvious she was in pain, the painkillers not doing much to help apparently. He sat down on the couch, deciding not to linger in the doorway and snoop around.

Meanwhile, Brianne stood before the mirror in her bedroom, looking at herself in the reflection. Chibs' oversized (for her) sweatpants were discarded on the bed behind her. She brushed her fingers over the bandage that was wrapped around her thigh, protecting the fresh wound. This wasn't the first time she spilled her blood like this and she had a feeling it won't be the last time either. But Brianne didn't fear the dangers that loomed in her future, she had been taught to face them straight on. Her mind wandered to Chibs once again when she caught a glimpse of the sweatpants in the mirror. There was some undeniable attraction drawing her to him, she couldn't put together the pieces of this puzzle yet though.

Pushing her thoughts aside, Brianne focused on the task she came home to do. She had to wear something comfortable, which would allow enough movement and be more at ease. So she found baggy jeans, which weren't too big on her, and a soft new, olive green T-shirt. Taking careful steps she made her way to the bathroom, stepping in front of the sink. The cool water splashed against her face and it offered her a sense of relief, washing away some of her worry and fatigue. After drying her face, Brianne mustered the strength to walk back to Chibs.
The Scotsman sat on the sofa when his eyes met hers, concern etched across his features as he took in her new attire. „Better?“ Chibs' voice was gentle.

Brianne nodded, and a small smile graced her lips. „As good as can be expected. Ready to go?“ She gestured towards the front door.

„Aye.“ Chibs affirmed, rising from the sofa. Brianne felt so little under his fixed gaze and there was a blush threatening to creep onto her face. She tried to ignore his lingering eyes upon her and turned on her heels. As they approached the front door, Brianne tried not to show her struggle, but Chibs knew she was hesitant due to the lingering pain. So he walked beside her and with the silent gesture offered a steadying presence. He reached out, placing a gentle hand on the small of her back. The warmth of his touch made her tense up but it gave her a sense of comfort and support she needed to make the trip to his bike.

Chibs made himself comfortable on his bike first, then Brianne swung her leg over the seat, mindful of her injury, and settled in behind him. For the third time since she met him, Brianne wrapped her arms around his waist. She felt his muscles tense, but not as much as the last time and he relaxed quite quickly too. The proximity once again ignited a flicker of excitement in Brianne. As the engine roared to life, Brianne steadied herself against Chibs, holding on just a little tighter as Chibs led the bike onto the road.

The wind whipped against her face as they rode through the same street as moments earlier. Brianne felt a rush of excitement when her hair swirled and danced in the gusts of wind. The world around them became a vibrant blur of colors while they rushed by various buildings and cars of Charming. All of those existed as short glimpses in Brianne's mind. The ride was a thrill for Brianne. She felt a fusion of freedom and speed, even though Chibs followed the traffic regulations. She glanced at Chibs the best she could from her position, she admired his driving skills as he took them to their destination. She managed to catch a glimpse of his focused expression when he turned his head to check for upcoming vehicles. He excluded strong confidence. Whether he was like this always or just showing off in front of a lady, she didn't know.

As they reached the TM, Brianne relaxed her hold on Chibs when he slowed down to park his bike. Before they even got off the bike, a blond guy wearing the same leather kutte as the rest of them, only he didn't have any patches on the front of the kutte, approached. She noticed him carrying another kutte in his right hand. Chibs smirked and gave the blond a firm pat on the back. „Ay, this here, Bri, is our Prospect, Half-Sack.“ The boy smiled awkwardly after he stumbled slightly from the impact of Chibs patting him.
„Half-Sack?“ Brianne raised an eyebrow and looked between Chibs and the blond. Her voice held amusement and intrigue.

Chibs chuckled wholeheartedly. „Aye, that's right. Got himself into a bit of a predicament once, lost a certain part of his anatomy in the process,“ The Scot explained, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Brianne noticed Half-Sack blushing slightly and shifting uncomfortably. „Yeah, it's a long story,“ he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

The Ginger haired lady found herself grinning at the playful banter between the two men. She found the bond the people around here had unique and longed to have something like it in her life. „Well, Half-Sack, it's nice to meet ye.“ She extended her hand for a handshake. „I'm  Brianne and I would love to hear that long story once.“
Hald-Sack's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered when Chibs gave him a small nod and reached out to shake her hand. „Nice to meet you too, Brianne,“ she couldn't help but notice his voice was laced with genuine warmth. There was a lot of that going around here for a bunch of outlaws. „I'd love to tell it to you.“ Brianne smiled in his direction and dismounted from the bike. She took a moment to observe her surroundings. The scent of oil and gasoline invaded her senses, along with the sounds of revving engines and tools clanking together. The place buzzed with energy.

„Hey man, Clay said a new Prospect was joining," She heard Half-Sack whisper to Chibs and show him the leather kutte he carried in his hand. „Told me to talk to you when you get back.“

„Aye," Chibs replied and stood behind Half-Sack, putting his hands on the blond's shoulders and spinning him to look at Brianne. „Yer looking at her, lad.“ Half-Sack's eyebrows shot up in astonishment. He seemed bewildered as he looked Brianne up and down. She understood why he was so shocked, Chibs had told her that women weren't exactly supposed to be a part of the MC other than being Old Ladies or Croweaters. She, herself, wasn't sure why they were recruiting her, but she had agreed to give it a try and prospect for as long as she needed and if everything seemed well to both her and them, they'd patch her up.

„But I thought-„

Half-Sack was cut off by Chibs. „We're still putting up a vote for this, numb-nuts. Don't take it to heart just yet.“ With those being his final words, Chibs took the leather kutte from the blond's hand and held it up for Brianne to see. „Yer gonna wear this for today. It'll be official when and if we vote ye in.“ The kutte was the same as Half-Sack's, only now she noticed that on its back it had a patch that said Prospect.

He held it out for Brianne and she slipped her hands through the holes of the leather vest. There was a certain weight she felt as the kutte settled upon her shoulders. It feels so similar but so different from her old life. She only hoped it won't end up the same, she was truthfully tired of running. In that moment the Clubhouse doors opened and the rest of the Sons emerged from inside. They approached the trio, Clay smirking widely.

„The leather's looking good on you, sweetheart.“ His words brought a sense of validation to her. Acceptance from the club's President meant a lot, but she understood that putting this kutte on was a preliminary step. She'll wait for the vote to settle before she lets herself get excited. Although, as soon as the kutte settled upon her shoulders, she already felt excitement.

„Been here for less than 24 hours and breaking the mold already," Jax approached, a smile adorning his handsome face. „I think you'll fit in just right.“ Brianne couldn't help but smile at his words. For some reason, his confidence put her mind to ease to know some of the Sons saw the potential in her.

„Well, well, well, our little ginger is a prospect. Should be interesting.“ Tig remarked. The tone of his voice was mixed with curiosity and skepticism, but he didn't seem to be so unfriendly towards her as earlier. Brianne met his gaze, challenging him with just her eyes.

„Aye, it's gonna be interestin'.“ She replied with a steady voice. She was a stubborn person and she set her mind on giving this opportunity a shot so she will try her best because she had been thought to do it ever since she was a child fighting for her spot. Brianne didn't want to remind herself of what had been, instead, she wanted to focus on what is and what will be. She'll need some time to answer the question as to why this was so important to her because she found herself longing to be a part of the team. Ever since she was a child she had been taught that she belongs somewhere greater than herself, she always had a group and now that she was alone, she didn't know how to function. She needed people, not because she wanted, but because she was used to it.

„We'll vote on this soon enough.“ Clay declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority. „Let's focus on the task at hand now. We've got a meeting with Laroy. Prospect or not, you ride with us, Brianne. It's time to see what this Club is about.“

Brianne nodded, determined to prove herself. She had seen enough violence and bloodshed so if anything like that happens today, she knew it won't be an issue for her. Whether or not they liked it, she had the upper hand with all the stuff she had been through and nothing could surprise her anymore at this point. As the Sons brought their bikes to life, Chibs gestured for her to ride with him again, giving her the helmet she had been wearing earlier. She straddled the bike behind Chibs once again that day and it made a surge of adrenaline course through her veins.

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