Season 1 Episode 2 - An Admirer Affection

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At Ikuto's House

At Davinia's Room

Davinia Mind: I have a feeling that I would like Tae but what if he doesn't like me back?!

Davinia couldn't deny that she had a crush on Tae-hun. She wasn't sure if he felt the same way about her, but she liked him a lot.

But the question remained... would he like her back? Or would he just look at her as another normal person?

Davinia: ...I wonder if Tae-hun likes me too...

At Kiyomizudera Park

Davinia Tsukiyomi: Uh- Hey Tae!

Tae-hun was outside, just standing there and taking in the view. It was a nice day, and the sky was a beautiful blue. He was enjoying the moment, until he heard someone calling his name. He looked over to see Davinia standing on a nearby grassy hill.

Tae-hun: Hey, Davinia. What is it?

He had a calm and relaxed look on his face, as he waited for her to speak up.

Davinia Tsukiyomi: Oh....uh I was going to tell you about the love letter that I wanna give to you.....

Davinia gets nervous

Tae-hun was caught off guard by that, as he didn't expect Davinia to say something like that. He wasn't sure how to react.

Tae-hun: Uh... you were going to give me a love letter?

He looked at her with a confused and surprised expression on his face. What did she mean? Did she really have feelings for him? Or was this just a joke? He wasn't sure how to take this.

Davinia Tsukiyomi: I wrote a love letter just for you......

Tae-hun: Wait, you wrote a love letter for me?

He was starting to think that this wasn't a joke, and that Davinia might have actual feelings for him. He felt a bit surprised and unsure of how to react to this.

Tae-hun: Wow, this is... I'm... I don't know what to say.

He wasn't sure how to respond right now, as he was still trying to process everything.


She shouted

Tae-hun jumped slightly, startled by the yell. He didn't expect Davinia to shout like that, so he got caught off guard. But after the shock, he took the letter from her and started to read it.

He read through the love letter and smiled as he read it, as he found it really sweet and romantic. He didn't expect someone to show him this kind of interest in him.

Tae-hun: Oh... Wow...

He looked up at Davinia, with a big grin on his face. He was happy to see that she liked him back.

At The Dark Crystal Counter

Steros was annoyed that Ludic had failed again. He was expecting more from him; he thought that he was more capable.

Steros: Unbelievable!

Ludic: I'm-I'm sorry, Steros.

Steros: Don't apologize to me. Apologize to the customers, who had to wait so long because of you.

Ludic: But-But...

Steros: I've had enough of your excuses! It's like you don't even WANT to learn how to use the Dark Crystal properly!

Steros looked over at Ludic, waiting for him to call up the dark crystal people. He was hoping that Ludic would be able to do it now.

Steros: Well? Go on then. Call the dark crystal people!

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