Season 1 Episode 4 - Unlock Your Power

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The group of 6 walks to the Rutherford School.

Namis: *looking around* This is the Rutherford School.

Cid: *nodding* Yeah, this is where we normally go to.

Quatlina: It's a beautiful campus, isn't it?

Sienna: *smiling* It's absolutely gorgeous. Just look at how well-kept the grounds are and how peaceful and quiet it seems.

Ixchel: Wow, I have never seen a campus this beautiful before. I didn't realize schools could be so nice-looking! It's amazing how well-kept and spacious it is, and the fact that it's so peaceful and quiet makes it even more impressive. This is definitely a nice place to spend your time studying and learning in class.

Yumika: Oh yeah, I guess it's nice-looking if you care about that sort of thing...

Cid: *smirking at Yumika* Hey, no need for sarcasm. It is nice.

Yumika: *rolling her eyes* Whatever.

Sienna: *looks at the group* So I was thinking, guys, what do you think of going to the library?

Quatlina: That sounds nice! Let's go and see if we can find any interesting books to read.

Namis: *sighs* Well, I guess we don't really have anything better to do.

The group all nod in agreement and start walking toward the school library.

The group arrives at the library and walks inside. The library is filled with books of all kinds, and it's a very peaceful, quiet place. It has a tranquil atmosphere that makes it a great place to relax and spend some quality time reading books. The group walks around, exploring the library and looking at the different books on the shelves.

Yumika: Wow, this library is so awesome, guys. Do you think there's a book here about basketball? Maybe I can find one and start working on my technique again since I've been kinda slacking off lately. I mean, why would anyone want to read boring books when all the best books are the sports ones, right?

Cid: *surprised by Yumika's remark* Wait, you play basketball?

Namis: *nodding along with Cid* Yeah, I didn't know you played basketball, Yumika.

Quatlina: *also surprised* Yeah, I always thought you were the type who'd rather read books than play sports.

Sienna: *nodding* Yeah, I always thought you were more into reading than sports since you always kept to yourself and never really joined any activities involving a ball.

Yumika would likely get a bit embarrassed at all the attention she was getting and would blush slightly

Yumika: Ah, it's not that big of a deal. I used to play it a lot when I was younger, but I haven't done it in a while so I'm a little rusty. Actually, I'm thinking about getting back into it, and this library has some great books for improving my technique. So I might just do that... But it's nothing to get so excited about like everyone is making it out to be...

Cid: *smiling* Ah, I understand.

Sienna: *nodding* Yeah, it's a good thing you're trying to get back into it.

Quatlina: *nodding* Getting back into it seems like a good idea. You should do it!

Namis: *nodding* Yes, I agree. It's good to take up a hobby and try to get back into something you used to enjoy doing. You should give it a try.

Yumika would smile a bit and brush off their encouragement, but it was clear that she was touched by their encouragement and support.

Yumika: Oh, you guys... you make it sound like I'm about to train for the Olympics or something! I'm not that big of a deal. But I'm glad you're all so excited for me. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try to get back into the sport... maybe I could even join the school team? Maybe?

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