Chapter 20 - Mike

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3rd Person

"I-I love you too." Will whispered, and Joyce smiled at him.

"You wanna go back down stairs?" She asked Will, who nodded gently.

"Okay, let me just.." She trailed off, using her thumb to wipe the tears off of Will's face.

"Will where are you?" They both heard Mike whine, and the door opened.

"Oh, hi Mike. I'm just helping Will quickly." Joyce smiled at him, and Mike's eyes widended.

"What happened?" Mike walked over, his face evidently worried.

Joyce smiled softly at the pair, and got up.

"I'll let you two talk for a bit." She gave Will a discreet wink, before wandering back down the stairs.

Mike sat down in front of Will, which made Will turn his head away in shame.

"What happened?" Mike frowned, his voice gentle.

"I-.. Nothing." Will muttered.

"Will." Mike raised his eye brows, and Will looked up at him.

He sighed and debated whether to tell Mike.

"Will, you can talk to me." Mike took Will's hand, and Will felt himself blush.

"I told my mum.." He started, but trailed off.

"About what?" Mike gave him a small smile.

"About me. B-Being gay.." He whispered, and Mike gave him a big smile.

"That's good, I'm proud of you." Mike spoke gently, the biggest smile spread across his face.

"Thank you." Will went even more red, and Mike chuckled.

"Come here." Mike scoffed, pulling Will into a hug.

Will let out a small giggle, and Mike rested his head on top of Wills.

"I miss you." Mike whispered, giving Will a small kiss on his forehead.

"I'm right here." Will laughed slightly.

"I know.. But I still miss you. You aren't close enough to me." Mike chuckled, pulling Will closer to him.

"You're so stupid." Will chuckled, and Mike smiled.

"Whatever." He laughed, and he lifted Will's head up.

"I hate seeing you cry." Mike whispered, using his thumb to wipe away the tears that had fell down Will's face.

"This is embarrassing." Will whined.

"This is sweet! Your boyfriend is wiping away your tears, you should be very appreciative." Mike chuckled, and Will rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Romeo." Will giggled, and Mike finished wiping away Will's tears.

"That's better." Mike grinned, pulling away from Will.

"Can we go down stairs?" Will asked Mike.

"Yeah, of course." Mike nodded, his voice gentle.

Will smiled, getting up, before noticing Mike's worried face.

"Before we go down, are you sure you're okay?" Mike checked.

"Yes, I'm fine." Will reassured him.

"Okay, if you aren't you will tell me, right?" Mike made sure.

"I will, I promise." Will told him, and Mike smiled.

"Okay, now let's go!" Mike gives Will a small smile, taking his hand.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now