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She stared at herself in the mirror in Gabby's room and sighed

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She stared at herself in the mirror in Gabby's room and sighed. Why had she wore that damn denim skirt?

She knew. Of course she knew. It had nothing to do with her and everything to do with a certain boy named Chris. Piper then eyed the red and gold jersey on her best friend's bed and sighed audibly again.

"What?" Gabby snapped.

"I can't wear his jersey" She said. "Bella will actually kill me."

The brunette rolled her eyes. "Don't be a wuss." She paused. "Plus, it's not like you're actually dating, it's not a big deal."

"Yes, but— wait! What?!"

The blonde turned to face the girl. Her friend smirked knowingly.

"I knew there was no way you would suddenly be dating Chris Sturniolo!" She pointed an accusatory finger at her. "And I've read enough romance books to know what fake-dating looks like."

Oh. My. God.

Mortified, Piper opened her mouth. "What!"

"You hate him for years and now suddenly you're dating him? Right after the Principal threatened you with expulsion if you didn't get along? That's suspicious."

Piper blinked.

"Am I wrong?"

"No" She answered truthfully. "Fuck" She fell beside her friend and covered her eyes with the inside of her arm. "It was awful, Gabby. Random boys started following me around. asking me out and being creepy and—and Chris was just there." She groaned. "It was the day I went on a day with Jackson." She started telling her everything while Gabby listened nodding occasionally.

"Damn" The brunette said when the blonde was done talking. "You are so gonna end up falling in love."

"He said the same thing." She sat up, removing her arm from her face and looked at her friend. "He's been acting so weird since that day I had to catch a ride from them."

"And that was...?"

"A week ago, I think. He's just... He almost seems..."

"Into you?" Gabby laughed. "I'm 90% sure he is. And I don't think he meant to actually like you when he agreed to help you."

Piper stayed silent.

"What about you?" Gabby asked.

"I don't want to even go there" Piper stood up and grabbed Chris' jersey.

"Okay" Gabby rolled her eyes. "So we're going to feign ignorance, got it."

"Yup" Piper said then proceeded to slid the jersey on.

"Well, at least you look hot" Her friend looked at her through a mirror with an approving nod. "He can't keep his eyes off of you when you wear this skirt."

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