Chapter 0// The Pile Of Warmth

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It was a normal night for the Kamado Family. The cold winter night and the warmness of their house was so familiar, so ordinary there was no way today would be different than any other day, or so they thought.

Tanjiro had just finished selling charcoal to the village and was heading up the mountain. He took that duty fully quickly after the death of their father that was 4-5 months ago. Considering he was selling charcoal even before their father's death it wasn't a surprise.

Tanjiro looked at the house that emanated warmness with his comforting ruby colored eyes and smiled before knocking on the door.

"I'm home!"

The door was opened by a pair of gentle and welcoming purple eyes of his mother who smiled a sad smile before returning to a welcoming one. She did that often after the death of their father.

Tanjiro wasn't exactly sure why but he didn't question why.

"Welcome, Tanjiro. Come in."

Kie said, smiling and moving out of the way of the entrance for him to enter. Tanjiro entered, smiling at his mother, he heard the quick sounds of footsteps before all of his siblings crashed him with a hug except Rokuta who was taking a nap.


Everyone yelled collectively not really in sync but still very much audible and happy. This has became a tradition when Tanjiro started to sell charcoal to the town. Tanjiro, even though he knew it was coming could never take his siblings off of him when he was crashed with a hug from 4 caring younger siblings. He just hugged them back.

It was nice to feel the warmth of his house, he liked to watch his family interact with eachother after a tiring day of carrying a huge basket of charcoal and going around the everywhere to sell it.

He watched the fire on the fireplace too, he couldn't take his eyes off of it sometimes. The dance of the fire, the prettiness of how the fire was moving was mesmerizing. How could anyone not find it pretty?

He looked at his family, he looked at the family he was so so grateful for and smiled. He smiled and thanked Hinokami-sama for giving him such a wonderful family.

Their life wasn't exactly easy but...

He wanted to spend an eternity here, an eternity of happiness and warmth.

Only if he knew the minutes this warmth will last were numbered.


Kibutsuji Muzan eyed the place that was surrounded by the rumours of a family with those accursed hanafuda earrings. From what he could tell there were 7 people in the house and the oldest was a woman who he could feel that didn't have much strenght. This will be a disappointing thing he has to do huh? This was kind of a personal mission since it was about that man but he wasn't about to make any sudden decisions if there was a second Yoriichi there and so he waited to feel anything that could be of threat.


The closest thing to a threat was of a boy no older than 12 from what he felt and he could 100% kill the boy from what he could sense.

So he did what he was going to do at the first place, attack the family who has the rumours of possessing hanafuda earrings.

He broke the door down with his whip like arms and saw him. There stood a boy with the same long red hair, same ruby eyes, same mark on the forehead, same hanafuda earrings....

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