Chapter 1// Non-ManEating Demons

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Tanjiro smelt the scent of something dangerous, so dangerous.

It was in front of their house, standing without a single move but that didn't mean it wasn't dangerous. He grabbed his hatched tightly never letting go.

Nezuko looked at Tanjiro, and then looked at the door right where the scent was coming from. She always had a great intuition about stuff so much so that they often joked about her seeing the future.

If she felt something was wrong too something wrong. They looked at each other, nodding.

"Kaasan, take everyone outside. Something dangerous is clo-"

Nezuko was cut off by a sound. The door was broken down by a man with glowing red eyes that looked down on them. Tanjiro grabbed his hatched even tighter and took a step back


Tanjiro yelled at everyone before he attacked with big speeds. Nezuko took Rokuta on her back while grabbing Takeo's hand and started running at full speed. Kie grabbed the hand of Hanako and Shigeru joining Nezuko on running away.

Well they would have if Tanjiro wasn't smashed into a wall and knocked out.


His back was bloodied and everyone was frozen in place. Tanjiro will most likely be dead soon.

They didn't have much to think about that though when they were slashed and injected with some sort of liquid. A few seconds were calm, they didn't feel anything for a little while like the calm before the storm, and oh boy the storm came. It was the most painful thing they felt their entire life. It was like every single cell in their body were being individually stabbed by really, REALLY hot needless.

It only lasted for about 30 seconds but it felt like years. Nezuko was able to open her eyes to look at her brother. She didn't want the last thing she saw to be glowing red eyes that were so intense it could suffocate someone just by looks and would very much prefer to see her brother instead.

Though pain followed her heart when she saw her sobbing brother obviously feeling massive pain on his back yet still moving (more like crawling) towards them. He wasn't knocked out, he would feel all the pain of watching his family suffer and soon enough, die. He fell over from the pain on his back and the blood loss but he hadn't passed out. Nezuko could feel it in her bones though she could see that the man, no, the monster hadn't noticed being to distracted with watching them suffer.

Nezuko cried harder, she screamed harder, she sobbed harder. Not just because of the pain in her body but also the pain of seeing everyone she has cared about go through so much pain. It was supposed to be a normal and happy night like it always was. And now she was feeling her body break down very quickly and very very painfully.


What did they deserve to feel this?

What did they deserve to lose people?

Nezuko had already fully turned into a pile of flesh before she could think of the answer...


Tanjiro fell over. He couldn't protect his family, he couldn't fullfil his promise to his father.

He felt like a dirty liar, a dirty dirty liar.

How could he be a good brother if he didn't protect the little ones? How could he be a good eldest son if he didn't support his mother?

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