kiss me

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after me and Pablo made the deal about dating we exchanged numbers and Luna and I went for a lunch and the boys said that they will join us after the training.

We went to a small restaurant on the beach that had nice view and Luna said it had pretty nice food..I ordered sushi and I got a call from my brother

"Heyy bear!!"

I said to my brother on the phone

"Hi sissy.How is it in Barcelona?Da li ima nekih deckica?(Is there any boys?)"

"Well..I am kind of dating a one guy..but I'll tell you more about soon"

"You already have a guy?I am impressed"

"Haha well I'll talk to you soon bear..I miss youu sending you hugs"

"I love you too and dont be like me and go to the clubs okay?"

"Okayy byee"

I ended the call and just as I was putting my phone in the bag Pablo sat next to me and Pedri sat next to Luna.

"Well look who finally showed up"

Luna said and Pedri kissed her.They are the cutest thing ever.Pablo and I just hugged and we had a great lunch.We all talked and get to know each other more.
As we were getting out of the restaurant Pablo pulled me aside and whispered to me

"Kiss me"

I looked at him confused

"Wait why?"

"Paparazzi Hanna just play along"

"But I"

As I was about to finish the sentence Pablo kissed me and the paparazzi ofc took pictures of it and it went viral

As I was about to finish the sentence Pablo kissed me and the paparazzi ofc took pictures of it and it went viral

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After the kiss Pablo took my hand and we went to Pedris car..his acting skills were very good and impressive..Luna and I were in the back seat and Luna just looked at me and gave me a wink.I was so confused of what just happened.
We got to the house and Luna invited Pablo and Pedri to stay over the night they agreed and I just went to my room to change and when I went downstairs I smell fire

"Is something burning?"

I said

"Oh no no we are just making marshmallows"

Said Luna and gave me a stick and I sat next to Pablo to a fire place..Pablo was acting cold after our kiss..
I was holding in so I dont ask him about the kiss but I had to ask him

"What was that today Pablo?"

"Oh..the kiss?Well you see paparazzis we're taking pictures so I wanted to give them what they wanted some spicy story"

I just nodded and I ignored it..but it still didn't make sense to me but I just ignored it and we all had a pretty nice night chatting by the fire place.
After some time I went to my room and Pedri and Luna ofc went to Lunas room and Pablo stayed to sleep on the couch.I went to get myself some water and I saw Pablo watching TV and he couldn't sleep..

"You want to come to my room?We could talk until you dont feel sleepy?"

"Yeah sure"

He said and we went to my room..We both got comfortable on my bed since it was a really big bed haha.We talked about life and he opened up to me about his past relationship with Anita.

"So Hanna did you have anyone?"

"Oh well there was a lot of rumors about me dating some Croatian football players but I just had one relationship"

"With who?"

"Oh well you probably know him.."

"Soo who is it??"

"Joan Felix..we had a big past behind us and everything"
(lets pretend like Joan is still playing for Chelsea)

"Why did you two spin up?"

"Its a big story.."

"I understand if you dont want to talk about it"

I just nodded and Pablo looked me in the eyes

"Stop staring at me with those eyes Pablo.."

Pablo smiled.OMG HIS SMILE!!!His smile made me smile.As I laid on my bed I fell asleep and Pablo stayed on his phone.At one point of the night I could feel his hand warping around me and him cuddling me to sleep.It was just so good being with him.

The next morning I woke up and I saw Pablo sleeping next to me and I didn't know what to do

"Hanna are you u"

That was Luna who was confused seeing me and Pablo in the same bed

"Well well well someone had fun last night"

And that was Pedri who was standing behind Luna

"No its not what it looks like guys!"

I said and Pablo who already was woke up looked at me and then kissed me on the cheek

"Just tell them the truth hermosa"


"Oh well I dont want to hear the details"

Pedri said and we all laughed.I checked my phone and I saw that it was blowing up with texts and I couldn't but noticed a story that poped up

"Anita and Pablo are over??Anita says that Pablo is still hers??Hanna is now with Pablo??"

Oh no.

Oh no drama..More and more drama is coming in Pablos and Hannas way..but stay tuned for more..🫶💗

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