you wear her hoodie

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Nova rubbed her tired eyes with a yawn as she sat up in bed.

She noticed that you weren't anywhere to be seen and for a second, that made her heart drop.

She's not used to waking up without you by her side so it made her wonder where you might be.

But her question was answered by the sound of your footsteps approaching the bedroom as you hummed happily.

You entered the bedroom and a smile pulled at your lips when you saw that she was awake.

"Good morning, baby!" You cheerfully spoke.

"Good morning, my love." She smiled back at you.

You set some stuff down on the bed in front of her; a tray with plates of food on it.

Nova then realized that you had woken up before her and had made breakfast for the two of you to share and it melted her heart.

"You made breakfast?" She asked with a bright look in her eyes.

"I did. I figured it would be nice for us to share breakfast. You've been so busy lately that we haven't had the chance to do something like this in forever." You explained as you sat down beside her. "And you deserve it."

She grinned from ear to ear and her eyes traveled down your body and that's when she noticed that you were wearing her hoodie.

"That's mine." She said as she gently tugged at the fabric.

"Oh, sorry. I was cold."

"No, no, it's okay. It's more than okay." She said as she tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. "You're so amazing."

"You are, Nova. You've been working so hard lately. I hope you enjoy this meal."

"Oh, I will, baby. Because my girl made it for me." She said as she pinched your cheek playfully, making you giggle. "Give me a kiss?"

"Happily." You replied as you kissed her lips.

"You look so cute in my clothes." She smiled against your lips. "So pretty, so adorable."

You giggled as you pulled away.

"I'm so lucky."

"I love you." You whispered as you kissed her cheek.

"I love you more." She said as she pecked your lips a couple of times. "Okay, come here."

She wrapped her arms around you and pulled you onto her lap as you pulled the food closer.

You both enjoyed every bite, sharing and eating the good food and the first breakfast you've been able to enjoy together in so long.

And you both felt so happy the entire time, hoping that more mornings like these would come around soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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