The Assistant and the Politician

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*mel called her assistant, y/n, in. she was absolutely beautiful, gorgeous, words couldn't possibly describe her. captivating green eyes y/n could get lost in for hours, a deep skin tone as soft as the clouds themselves, a voice that was seductive, it sounded like silk.*

*mel also liked physical traits y/n had. she liked that he was a little shorter than her by a few inches, his eyes that looked cute, almost innocent, his skin tone, full lips. she was very fond of her assistant.*

"yes, ms. medarda?" *y/n said as he walked into her office.*

*it was the end of the work day, mel sat at her desk with the sunset to her back. she wore her normal black and white dress that really showed her figure. her body was breathtaking, beautiful, gorgeous, words couldn't possibly describe her.*

"hello, y/n. i'll need you around the office this evening... *mel's voice was soft yet mature. her tone was calm yet made impressions.* "... it's been a long day and i could use someone to talk to." *mel said as she let out a soft sigh and stretched.*

"that's it? well, ms. medarda i would be happy to talk with you on any matter. what troubles your mind, ma'am?"

*miguel walked to a chair that was in front of her desk.*

"nothing much, just work things as a city councilor." *mel smiled at her assistant. he liked seeing her that relaxed as she was usually very formal, she normally had a very authoritative and dominant aura, talking in methodical and mysterious ways.* "i would actually love to know how your day was, y/n. maybe if i knew more about my assistant's day i could help more."

*y/n was surprised as he never had a superior say something like that.*
"h-huh? it was ok, you're still very liked among the populace of piltover, which was expected." *mel chuckled a bit as he still made it about her.*

"baboso (dummy). i asked about you." *she said jokingly* "you know... i really do like caring for my employees." *her voice as if it was silk itself, as if she would wrap him in tightly with the sound of her . she smiled at y/n and looked at him with her eyebrows raised, head tilted just a bit. her striking green eyes made butterflies in y/n's stomach.*

"thank you, mel, you're very admirable."

*mel smiled at the boy as he looked at her with innocent eyes.*

"what about me is so admirable, y/n?" *mel eyed the boy up and down and could see his frame through his uniform. she moved her gaze up to his full and pink lips, smiling as she did so. her eyes traveled along his, gazing at his e/c eyes making him feel a bit nervous.*

*y/n felt blood rush to his cheeks.* "i... um... well i think you're quite generous, and kind, and you're a very smart woman." *mel smirked at his response, his voice was genuine and sounded as if he was enamored by her.*

*mel chuckled.* "is that all? there are things i like about you too." *mel smiled at the boy playfully, making him become even more nervous.* "r-really? i... ahem, i never had someone say that."

*mel reveled in the fact she made her assistant become so enamored, so flustered.* "of course, querido." *mel stood up and walked to the front of her desk and sat on it. she eyed y/n up and down with a smile, she made strong eye contact with him. he looked into her alluring green eyes as beautiful as emeralds, her skin was somehow perfect, she was ethereal. he got so nervous and could feel the blood in his face rush to... other places.* "wha-what... what about me do you like?"

"hmm? how hard you work for me, how you reply fast to my requests. among other things.~" *y/n could feel his dick bulge through his pants, making him cover it up with his clipboard.* "aww, don't tell me you've never heard that before. you're a catch, y/n." *mel started to walk over to the chair y/n sat in. she loomed over him with her shadow covering his body as he looked at her with innocent eyes. she glided her hands across his face and down to his neck. y/n shook his head as a no. mel held him by the neck.*

"that's a shame, we should... change that."

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