Some smut

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I saw you at school ab I thought you were cute and I started talking to you we started getting onto more mature topics and we decided to go and skip school we went into the woods and found a cabin that was somehow empty and I push you up against the wall and while looking down at you I said I really like you and pick you up from your thighs and you wrap your legs around me and now your the same height as me and we Astarte making out and you tasted like strawberries and I felt our tongues touch And I got really horny and you grab my back and sink your nails into my skin and I got really hard and I drop you down and I shove you up against the wall and unbuckle your bra and take your shirt off and then while doing that you push me onto the floor and while your on top of me you in button my shirt and I flip you over onto the floor and grope your left titty and place my mouth on your right titty and circle my toung around your nipple and you let out a moan and then I take my hand and Unbutton your pants and pull your pants and underwear down and i slowly move my mouth to your clit and I suck on it for what feels like forever and I start fingering you and you start moaning louder and you start to play and suck on your tittys and I stop sucking and fingering you and I unbutton my pants and grab the condom out of my pocket and you want to put it on me with your mouth so you open the condom and put it in your mouth and put it on me and you say I want you to hit me hard so I put My dick inside of you and it's hit you in all of the right spots and you can almost hear your moans from a mile away and I lasted about 1 hour and 34 minutes and I nutted inside of you and I pull out and you want to drink the cum so you drink the cum out of the condom and I start eating you out and the pussy juices taste like pineapple and you start giving me head and we start doing 69 and I nut inside of your mouth again and we're so exhausted from us fucking we fall asleep on the cabin floor And we're still naked but we wake up at 2 in the morning and you say you want me to cum in you without a condom on so I start doing you doggy style and I nut inside of you and we started making out on the floor and we spend the entire day just cuddling, fucking, and making out and we both quit our school and our jobs and just spend the rest of our lives doing that and we eventually buy the cabin and we lived super sexually and we never had a kid

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