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Everyone's a little high.



Ray had been watching Sand flirting with someone else for five minutes. They were both dressed like Freddie Mercury. He saw the one in Freddie's yellow jacket put his hand on Sand's leg. He involuntarily took a step forward. He couldn't stand it when he saw their faces getting closer to each other. He stepped between the two of them, grabbed Sand's wrist and pulled him up off the couch.

"Ray, what are you doing?" Sand said as they headed for the stairs.

He ducked into the first room on the right at the top and closed the door. He pushed Sand against the wall next to the door and rested both hands on the side of his head.

"Who's that? Is that your boyfriend?"

"It's none of your business-"

He asked as he grabbed Sand by the top of his pants with his right hand. "Are you fucking him too?"

Sand reflexively grabbed his wrist. "What do you think you're doing?"

Sand chuckled. "What? I only asked if you fucked him, not in what positions." He stroked Sand's cock with his hand. "Or if you fucked him as hard as you fucked me... so hard that I passed out from the pleasure."

"What do you really think you're doing, Ray?" Sand's brow furrowed.

Ray moaned as he felt Sand's hand on his throat. "Mew can't fuck you the way you want?" He brought his face close to Ray's and whispered. "Like me."

Ray took his hand off Sand's cock. His hands wrapped around Sand's shoulders as he pressed his whole body against Sand, letting Sand feel his hardness. He blinked at Sand as his lower lip drooped.

"No one has touched me since you."

Ray moaned hard as Sand's fingers tightened around his throat with the confession. Slowly he began to grind as he pressed his hardness against Sand's hardness.

Sand removed his hand from his throat. He leaned his head back against the wall as both hands came down on Ray's hips. He kept his hands on Ray's hips. He wasn't moving. He was only allowing Ray.

As Ray's hands on Sand's shoulders held on tighter, Ray bit Sand's left shoulder which visible through his white tank top.

With that, Sand lifted his face to the ceiling and sighed.

"Ray stop."

He stopped Ray by his hips with his hands. Ray kissed where he had bitten and brought his face in front of Sand's.

"What?" He grinned.

"We must stop." Sand replied.


"You shouldn't miss this chance."

Ray raised his eyebrows as if he didn't understand.

"Mew." He pointed to Ray's hardness with his gaze. "I think he can handle this."

"You're kicking me out?"

He dug his hands into Sand's hair and tugged at it, bringing his face closer to his own.

"And then what?"

He pulled his hips back and thrust hard back into Sand.

"Are you going to go back downstairs and take it up with that Queen mustache?" He frowned angrily.

Sand laughed. His nerves were beginning to fray.

"That's none of your business."

Ray paused for a moment. It was like he was frozen. He pursed his lips and looked at Sand. His eyes were filled with tears. Then suddenly he grabbed Sand's dick again with his hand.

emptiness | SandRayWhere stories live. Discover now