Shocks for all

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The tired receptionist sighed as if she had already reached her limit of human interaction.

"According to your records you were arrested, this makes you ineligible to visit"

Danny slapped his hand on his face.

"It was a misunderstanding though," he insisted, "they said it would be cleared from my record"

The receptionist glanced at her computer screen, then back at Danny, before refreshing the page.

"Its still on your record" she stated.

Danny groaned.

"When can I be eligible again?"


Chills went down Danny's spine.

"W-wait, I have to please!"

The receptionist gave him a cold look. The kind of look you might give an inconsiderate delinquent.

"Sir, this is an experimental program as it is. We can't let any unstable individuals around healing patients"

Danny's face grew red in anger.

Seeing that he wouldn't be able to convince her, he left and waited.

All he had to do was sneak past some  people. visitors were prohibited from being there at night which meant no receptionist at night.

He would just have to act when the time was right.

Danny slumped up against a tree and waited. His eyes started to close and Danny fell asleep.

The chilliness of the air woke Danny up, who grew confused. Everything was dark. It took him a second to realize that it was the night.

Danny stretched and looked around for anybody. Upon seeing nothing he slipped on his hood and went towards the building.

A single guard stood at the entrance. Danny knew why there was only one guard.

They had a strong automated security system. Complete with lasers and a deafeningly loud alarm.

Luckily, Danny could hack it. It would give him at least two hours to get in and out. As for the guard, he didn't seem hard to get around.

Bruce climbed into his bat suit. He had supervised the villain rehabilitation center as Bruce and surveyed it as the Dark Knight.

He hadn't intended to make a.visit but he saw something curious on the security cameras and he wasn't about to let a shady figure try to recruit any of the occupants.

Using the Batmobile made things faster. There was this new incognito modification he had, he had a stronger muffler and it was a little narrower.

The Batmobile smoothly stopped on the other side of the facility. Batman canvased the area and grumbled.

The person had made it inside which meant his job would be a little more complex than he had hoped.

He approached the facility and noticed a guard out cold. Judging by the lack of alarms blaring this person also hacked into the system.

No easy feat, that security system is one of the strongest out there.

He had to take note of it inside his head. Whoever this was, they were skilled.

He walked through the halls and his eyes searched. Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed the shady criminal entering a room.

Ivys room. Batman ran towards it but stopped cold in his tracks at the sound of one word.

Danny Phantom, DCWhere stories live. Discover now