Oh no turtle run!

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Short one sorry

Queen corals muffled words echoed through the deep palace bubbles rising from her mouth she swam swiftly through the light blue coral walls to the exit and then the surface. She flew straight to Jade mountain.


Knock knock

"Come in" Tsunami said

Queen Coral entered "mother what brings you here. Do you want a to talk to Anemone"

"Quite the opposite actually" the queen replied "could I speak to turtle"

"Of course mother his cave is on the left five down"

"Thank You daughter" coral replied and walked away following the instructions


"Mother what are you doing here"

"Turtle why didn't you tell me!" Exclaimed the queen "another writer in the family"

"Oh you found out"

"Yes but your an animus!" "We could have won the war"

Turtle looked like he'd been shot "y-you know"

"Yes" said the angry queen through gritted teeth "and your coming with me to the dungeon for life"

should I make it a spoof?

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