ミ★ chapter four ★彡

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"Are you and Tom actually dating?" Stacey asked over the phone the day after that party.

"Yes! How exciting right?" I lied. I told Tom he couldn't tell anyone about our fake relationship. If word spread it wasn't real, it could lead to other problems. We don't need Jules and Eric finding out everything we're doing is fake.

"What do you think our boss is going to say about it?" She asked on the other line.

"I don't care! Tom is so much better than Eric. Who cares if the guy i'm dating has a bad reputation. I'm happy and that's all that matters." I said smiling into my phone.

"Whatever makes you happy." She replied as we continued to talk for a bit more.

"Oh, gotta go. He's picking me up for dinner." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror one last time.

"Enjoy it."

"I will. Love ya." I said and closed my phone. I walked out to meet Tom in his car outside of my house.

"Hey." He said as I slipped into his passenger seat.

"Hi." I replied, buckling my seatbelt.

"So, I called some paparazzi to the restaurant we'll be eating at. Surely it'll get us some attention to our relationship." He said as he drove to the place we'd be eating at.

"That's great." I said as I stared at the road in front of us.

"Jules is gonna be all over me. I can feel it." He replied as he moved one of his hands from the steering wheel, to the shifting gear.

"Yeah, she also hates me so that's another reason why she could try and win you back." I laughed as he had pulled into the restaurants parking lot. Of course, there were already tons of paparazzi, frantically trying to get multiple shots of the car already.

"Jesus." I whispered to myself as Tom got out of the car. He had walked around to my side, opening the door for me and putting his hand out. I accept it as he pulled me out of his car. Hand in hand, we slowly
walked up to the doors of the building. Blinded by all the lights, I put my hand up to cover my face.

"Adriana! Are you and Tom seriously dating?"

"Such a cute couple. How do you think Eric will react?"

"Was Jules just a fan girl to you, Tom?"

Being bombarded with questions wasn't the hard part. We had finally made our way into the restaurant and some staff had taken us to a private room.

"So sorry about all of that. A table will be ready for you both shortly." One of the managers had said as she left the private area. She quickly came back and seated us in a quite busy area, but of course, Tom and I didn't mind.

We sat and drank together, trying as hard as we could to not look at the obvious paparazzi flashing photos in the windows. Tom placed his hand on mine at a joke he made. I smiled and turned my head as I saw the camera flash again. That would be such a good picture for drama websites.

*next morning*

"Who does that skank think she is?" Jules said to herself as she scrolled through various pictures of Adriana and Tom. She scoffed and shut her laptop harshly, throwing it off of her lap.

"No way. Adriana! You need to see this." Stacey called to Adriana as she swiped through many photos of her and Tom.

"What?" I asked, walking into her room and leaning against her bed. I looked over at Stacey's shoulder to see pictures of Tom and I seated at that restaurant.

"No way." I whispered to myself.

"Yes way. Everyone knows! Adriana Lima, Victoria's Secret model angel, is officially going out with guitarist, Tom Kaulitz?" Stacey read a headliner of a news article on her phone. I smiled as she continued to read a paragraph from the page. Well, news spreads quickly, hopefully Eric already knew.

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